Chapter 21: Time

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The clock was ticking killua pacing back and forth through the halls outside of the emergency room.

What could have happen to make gon go into such a critical state yet again. Things didn't make sense anymore. Not at all, why was this happening why did it hurt so much so see him like this.

There was so many things that would be going through my mind. Would he be okay will things turn out alright for him. I'm not sure anymore I can't bare to let gon be in such a state.

I waited until a familiar doctor came out of the emergency room it was Mr leorio he took off the mask that was covering his mouth and had blood stains on his clothes.

This made me worry seeing the blood I walk up to him quickly grabbing him and in such a panic voice.

"Where is he. is he okay. Where is gon!"

My hands would shake I've never felt this anxious before I really needed to keep my cool down and not make a sence.

"Calm down killua I understand your impatience but you can't be yelling in a hospital alright."

He said placing his hand on my Shoulder trying to clam me down. It didn't really help alot but did se effect on me.

"Okay..I get it"

I let go of him as I looked at him wanting to hear him out or rather what he's gonna tell me.

"Before I tell you, why don't we go to my office"

I already felt like things weren't going to be good all. Even so I filled him obediently and went into his office where he closed the door and sat down into his chair.

"Take a seat killua"

I sat down looking at him waiting anxiously for him to speak. It felt like hours waiting for him to speak but the wait had finally ended. Bit I would never know that things would turn for the worse.

"The surgery went well, barely. All that happened was his wounds reopened and that's the reason for the blood he was coughing up."

I sigh in relief having heard that from him. Good thing it was only his wound reopening and nothing else. But I didn't know I could be wrong so much.


That "but" set me off so bad hearing it. What else was there I needed to know why did he say "but" I thought things went well. What is he gonna say??

"Gon he...even though he had surgery and his wounds are all patched up he.."

"What is it? Tell me already"

I was impatient, I grew more tense by the second What is fucking going on.

Leorio sighs and finally spoke out to him and said what he needed to say to me.

"..he doesn't really have much time killua. Even though we did the surgery perfectly there are still so many things that is wrong with him. I thought I figured it out but I was wrong. Gon has less than a month to survive."

Everything became silent I began to luagh Slightly before speaking up. "hehe... your joking with me right leorio. Your joking with me right?"

Leorio shook his head sadly and wrapped his fists together onto the table.

At that moment I didn't know what to do or say. Gon...gon doesn't have much time left? That can't be right? They must be lying but....he seemed like he ment it.

Looking down at the ground I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to. Things weren't supposed to go this way at all.

I stood up abruptly as leorio looked at me. "I want you to save him."

"Killua there's nothing we can do-"

"Dont you dare say that! You don't know that, when you haven't even tried to solve this!"

I bursted out yelling at him and slamming my hands onto his desk.

"Even so it would cost a tremendous amount of money to even find what's wrong with him-"

"You don't need to worry about the money that could be covered by Me alone! Your job is to just save him."

Lifting my head up I looked at him dead in the eyes and said.

"Which room is he in."

Leorio leaned back and gave him a peice of paper to him.

"He should be in room 112-4.."

Leaving his office I walk out but then started to run I can't believe his words and I need to see for myself.

Running through the entire building I then came across his room.

I stood there looking at the door that would lead me to "him". My hand would shake slightly as it reached for the handle.

I took one deep breath and entered the room. There I was surprised by gon who was awake as he looked at the ceiling so blankly.

"Gon.." I said walking I've to him as he looked at the ceiling.

"Hey gon it's me killua.." he wasn't responding to me even though he was awake and clearly breathing.

Biting my lip I grab his hand holding it. He felt so delicate and fragile. Why did things have to be this way.

"God why did you have to punish us like this.. why can't you take my life instead of his.."

Tears began to form in the corner of my eye as I looked down while holding his hand.

"Killua don't say such cruel things like that.." I lift up my head quickly to see gon looking at me.


"You can't throw away your life like that just because you want to save me." He claims saying as if I was being selfish. How am I the selfish one if he's the one in such bad condition.

"I understand how you feel right now and but you can't always hold onto me forever killua.."

That made me yell out at him crying.

"How can you say that as if it was casual. You only have a month to live now and a-and...I can't lose you again!"

Gon looked at me with the softest eyes and smiles slightly. How can he smile at a time like this.

"But you won't lose me killua. I will always be with you no matter where I go. Even if I only have a month to live, that's fine because I got to spend my lifetime with you.."

Thus was so hard to hear from him. Even if I can't save him and he ends up dying what would be the point to living?

"I want you to live the rest of your life. Grow old and have kids with someone else, I know this is selfish of me to ask of you-"

"Yes it is gon. It is very selfish of you to ask me!" Can't you just stop it. Stop trying to make it sound like your going away forever.

"I know I don't have much time left and that's fine. In the end I know that I got to live a somewhat decent life with you by my side and that's just enough for me."

Why did his words hurt so much but felt so comforting at the same time.

Why does love have to be so hard...

Things have gone worse. Gon is nearly at his deathbed and will killua lose his insanity or will he listen to Gon's words and move on? Who knows you'll just have to wait till the next chapter comes out!

Date: November 2, 2021
Time: 1:05

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