Charpter 2: After School Fight

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-No one's pov-

Both killua and gon had both launched at each other with their fist...ready to punch each other in the face. Killua was pretty fast he already was face to face to gon and was about to punch Gon in the face. But to his surprise Gon had caught his punch and then returned a punch back into killua's stomach.

Killua: what the hell?! How did he block my punch!?! theres no way he could've catch my punch in time unless he

Killua jumps back as he held his stomach as it ached badly.

Gon: "heh...what's wrong backing out already"

Killua: I looked at him pissed "you'll regret that!"

Gon: "really?...oh I never really knew I would regret fighting a pussy like you"

Gon made a smirked look as he chuckled under his breath. Killua then was done with gons crap as I then appeared behind gon and made him lose his balance.

Gon: what? When did he get behind me?!

Gon loses balance but didnt tend to hit the floor so he flipped backwards as he then turned back to face killua, but then killua had already made contact with him and laid a punch in the face.
He goes flying across the ground but stops himself from going any further.

Killua: "you should of just backed down when you had the chance.."

He walked towards gon as he looked down upon him.

Killua: "you should of just learned your place you weakling!"

Killua laughs at him and also the others who watched laughed at him. But it wasnt over...out of no where gon started to release a strong aura around him. Killua was looks down at gon to see him looked dead straight at killua with rage and anger. Killua was going to jump back but was stopped by gon. He had grabbed him by the arm, gon had already gotten up... he wasnt the same as before....he had power that killua nevered seen in his life except for himself.

Gon: "dont you ever call me weak when you havent even seen my full potential!"

He was enraged filled with anger inside of himself. Gon then punched killua in the face with a powerful punch. He was sent flying across the ground as he hit a wall.

Killua: what the actual hell! Where did he get this tremendous amount of strength from?!

Killua was going to get back up again but gon had already appeared in front of him throwing quick punches. Killua reflexes kicked in as he started to block his attacks.

Killua: how the hell am I going to keep this up?! His attacks are too fast!!

Killua was in a tight situation but he then managed to pull threw his thoughts and kick gon in the face which made gon fall back.

Killua: this is my chance to get back at him now!

He then jumped on top of gon as he started to throw quick punches at him while he watch him get hit.

Killua: "what will you do now gon!! You surely know you wont win!! You'll lose before you can do anything else to me!!

Killua was so sure that gon was going to give up just like that but to his surprise gon never backed down he had been blocking killua's attacks with his arms as he shield his face.

Gon: "No...It will be you who will lose before you can do anything to me.."

Gon made a grin look as he stopped both killua's hands from sustaining any more damage to him, he then headbutt killua in the head, that caused him to hit the ground and now it was gon who was on top of him. Gon had then lifted up his hand and made it into a fist where he then lunched his punch at him.

Killua: what do I do?! He's going to win if I dont block his punch and then if I lose everyone will start to think I'm weak and betray I cant let him win!!

As killua could even try to block Gon's attack Gon's fist stopped as then killua looks up, Gon's fist was inches away from face. But then Gon leans towards killua's ear and says.

Gon: "I'll let you win but for now but...I'm doing this because I dont want to hurt your pride in front of all these people..."

Killua's eyes widen as he was shocked to hear what Gon said and didnt know what to do. But what he said was true...he didnt want to lose his pride because of this one new boy, and so killua then started to punch him in the face and stomach. Gon let him do this as then the crowd started to cheer for killua.

Killua: why is he doing this...why is he letting me win?! This just doesn't make sense

Killua was mad he didnt like how this fight was going but so on he continued to punch Gon and made some serious damage to his body. but soon killua stopped attacking Gon, he looked down at him...blood was dripping from his face and his face was all fucked up. He then got off Gon and made a disgusted look at him, he didnt want to look at him anymore so he then walked away. Everyone else did the same and left leaving the injured boy on the ground.

-Gon's pov-

Gon: I start to gain conscious again as I looked up into the sky, it has already started to get dark "damm....I wonder how long I've been out for.....well it really doesn't matter since no one actually cares for me"

He started to get up as he grabbed his acheing stomach and started to walk home slowly. But soon enough gon made it back home or Well his apartment where he stayed. He entered his humble home as went to the bathroom.

Gon: I walk to the bathroom and turned to the mirror to see how bad my face was. "Cant believe that he left my face all jacked up like this....Oh whatever.."

Gon sighs as he then starts to take off all his clothes and starts to shower. After he was done showering he dried himself off and chased into knew clothes, he also banged himself up. Gon had then laid down on his bed and looks up to the ceiling.

Gon: "I wonder what will happen when I go to school tomarrow...." I sigh as I get under the covers. "Well for now I shouldn't even worry about that..after all today is not tomorrow.."

Gon now starts to drift alseep, what will happen next when he goes to school the next day stay tuned for the next chapter to be released soon.

-Authors note-

Well thank you everyone for reading my fanfic and hope you will be patient when I'm making a chapter. Love you all and also stay safe.

Date: 9/5/2020

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