Season 2 Chapter 4: Let me see him

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"Gooooood, how long do I have to stay in this house foooor???"

"Well you'll have to stay longer because of your stupid actions"

"It wasn't my fault, I just really wanted to see him..."

"That's no excuse. You knew that people are looking for you and you still went out."

"But it's not fair, I want to see him!"

"Too bad. You'll just have to wait longer."

"You can't keep me here forever you know."

"That's true, I really don't have to keep you here but it seems that I have too"

He walks out of the room leaving but then that stupid clown guy came in.

"Hello my dear ripe fruit~"

"What the hell do you want hisoka?"

"Oh nothing really, I just wanted to see how your doing"

"That's a weird thing to say.."

"But I do admit, I was listening onto your guys argument and I thought he was being a bit to harsh now, don't you think?"

"Exactly what I tried telling him!"

I lumped back into my chair sighing as I cover my eyes with my arm.

"You know maybe I can mmmm you know help you."

I peaked a look at him raising my brow.

"What do you mean help me?"

"Oh you know, help you see you know who"

I sit up straight as he now had my full attention.

"You'll really help me go see him??"

"Of course I will, but under one condition"

I frowned as I knew this probably wasn't gonna be good.

"What is the one condition?"

"Well it's not just one but you can't make any physical contact with him and you have to listen to me for the entire day. Got it."


"Wonderful, now let's hurry and leave before you know shows up"


I couldn't believe this. I'm really going to see killua! Both me and hisoka crept out the house secretly and into the car.

He started the engine and we were off, off on our way to find killua and I felt this feeling in my chest where I felt excited.

"I'll see you very soon killua.."

Is what I said to myself quietly and we went driving into the city where tons of people were.

This was really dangerous. Having to be driving around in public but I obviously wore a mask and hoodie so no one would know who I was.

"So uhhh do you really know where killua is?"

"Of course I do. If I didn't why would you think I offered you that deal we made"

He said raising his brow while he continued to drive.

"Oh yeah..stupid question.."

I was kinda embarrassed for saying that and just ended up staying quiet the entire car ride.

It was a long car drive and I ended up falling asleep while leaning on the car window. That was till we came to a sudden stop and was woken up abruptly.

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