Chapter 2

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     When I had first seen that girl and the way those purple, almost black eyes sparkled, I knew something was off with her. I teleported Cas and I to the palace atop the Night Court, to the hall of Lords. I silently led him through the halls, examining each portrait. "Alright, enough with the shit. You know something about her, something weird." I nodded a bit. "Each of these portraits are High Lords, and their families. I remember one.." I paused at one painting, nodding to it. "This is High Lord Dipper." Cassian snorted a bit. "Odd name for a Night Court Lord.." I stared at the male, then at Cas. The male had tan skin, with purple eyes that were strangely kind, and a bit familiar. His hair went down to his shoulder blades and was tied back, the black color almost absorbing the light around his face. He was definitely a warrior, a sword at his hip. "High Lord Dipper was the creator of Velaris. Of the Court of Dreams." Cas stared at me, eyes wide with shock. I pointed at the plaque under the portrait, letting him read.
     "High Lord Dipper was a kind and doting lord, one with the heart of a dreamer. He married his wife, Mona, a few hundred years before he took over the throne. Dipper wasn't born into the royal family, but instead married into it. Mona's father had no biological sons, and he refused to let the power fall to Mona, as he thought her to be too soft hearted. They had three children, two boys and a girl. The two boys were twins, named Orion and Kella. They were trained as warriors, but also educated in court affairs. A few hundred years after them, their sister Velara was born. She was just like her father, a dreamer (See portrait across the hall). About two hundred and fifty years after she was born, she disappeared a month before her birthday, presumed dead. Her father and brothers grieved, and High Lord Dipper built a city of dreams in her honor, also known as Velaris. Dipper never got over the loss of his daughter, and ended up passing away almost three hundred years after her. Mona disappeared after her husband's death, and Kella took the throne, Orion happily bowing under him.
     Cas rubbed his brow, muttering. "So you think that this girl we found is Velara? Rhys, she'd have to be over five thousand years old." I nodded a bit, and turned to the portrait across from Dipper. The plaque underneath it was titled 'Velara, Princess of Starfall'. The girl smiling back at us was just barely into her life of immortality, but that smile was of pure, wild joy. Her purple eyes were the same as Dipper's, and she had pale skin. A light dust of freckles dotted her cheeks and nose, and her cocoa colored hair was pulled back into a long ponytail. She wore an emerald dress that dipped off her shoulders, and fit her well. Cassian mumbled a bit. "That's the girl, alright. Look at those eyes. They're unmistakeable." I read her plaque out loud. 
     "Velara was the princess of the Night Court, born on Starfall. She was rumoured to be gorgeous, and had very strong magic. She was a talented young female, who loved to play piano. Her father had her brothers train her in the art of battle as well, mostly sword-fighting and archery. The details of her life have been lost to time, as well as the old city under the mountain. Velara was loved by the wicked Night Court citizens, and many grieved when she passed. Velaris was built by her father in honor of her, and a few of her personal items are located in the Night Court's Hewn City."
     Cassian had teared up a bit. "She was so young. But this doesn't answer the question of how she got down there, and why nobody found her. I think we should go to the Hewn City tomorrow, and make sure items that belong to her are brought here. It might help her remember." I nodded, mumbling. "I'll tell the rest of the Inner Court what we know."
  (The girl's POV)
     A young woman was leading me down a hallway, the carpet under my feet soft and plush. She supported me, her hand holding my arm. The woman was gorgeous, and a bit taller than me. She was curvy, and only wore a sweater and leggings, slippers on her feet. Her gold hair was curled into gentle waves, and her amber eyes were kind. She had told me her name was Morrigan, but I was to call her Mor. She led me to a small room, a bathing chamber.
     A large tub sat at the back of the room, empty. Mor helped me sit on a stool near the tub, turning on one of the handles. Warm water flowed into the tub, and she quietly took one of the vials and poured some of the liquid in, bubbles foaming in the water. She helped me to the tub, and I dropped the cloak that had been wrapped around me earlier. Mor scanned my body, her eyes filling with a quiet horror. I didn't care as I slid into the war, sighing at the warm heat. Dust clouded the tub, from my hair and body. I sat for a second, before Mor handed me a rag and soap. I worked on cleaning myself as she pulled the stool behind me, starting to wash and rinse my hair. She lathered her hands in soap, massaging my scalp. I purred at the feeling, leaning back. Mor cleared her throat. "So...what should I call you?" It was an innocent question, one to put me at ease. I shrugged, running the cloth over my neck. "I don't really have a preferred name. Maybe..Val?" Her hands stilled, and I looked over my shoulder to find her mouth agape, those amber eyes glazed over. She shook her head after a second, the question forgotten.
     "Are you hungry?" I nodded a bit, hunger biting at my stomach. Some sort of wraith walked in, set clothes on the counter, and walked back out. Mor helped me out of the tub and drained the water, wrapping my hair in a towel. I dried myself off, before she helped me get into the outfit that had been left. The pants were loose and fluffy, a bit big and too long. The shirt slid down one of my shoulders, not that I cared much. She sat me at the vanity, brushing out my hair and braiding it back. I slid my feet into the slippers under the vanity as she finished, helping me stand. My hair no longer pooled on the ground, but instead brushed against the back of my knees. She helped me slide off the chair, and led me to the kitchen. The wraith from before was there, one twin to her on the other side of the kitchen. A High Fae woman was there as well, rolling out dough. I could smell bread in the oven, and the slight scent of flowers and damp dirt on the female.
     Mor helped me sit on a stool at the counter, the Fae female wiping her hands on her apron. "Hello there! I'm Elain Archeon." Her blue and green eyes were kind but shadowed in a way, her brown hair was in a braided bun. I shook her hand, my fingers cold as I released hers. She gestured to the wraiths, who waved. "That's Nuala and Cerridwen. They're Rhysand's servants, but they help me here a lot." I smiled at them a little, Cerridwen sliding a plate to me in response. It held a piece of toast that was lightly buttered, with a few strawberries. She handed me some water, smiling. It was a light meal, but since I was starving it was welcome. I nibbled lightly at the food, savoring it. Mor and Elain spoke softly, too quiet for even my Fae ears. I finished the meal, quietly downing the water. Mor glanced at me, quiet.
     "Are you tired? I can find you somewhere to rest before Madja gets here." Quietly considering, I nodded. I attempted to get up by myself, Mor nearby in case I fell. I managed to stand and take a single step before my legs started to shake, and I waved her over. She grabbed my arm and supported me, helping me down the hallway. We were slow, and she opened a door for me. The bedroom was cozy, perfect for a guest. Mor helped me to the bed and helped me sit, and I quietly kicked off my slippers. I adjusted myself to be comfortable, pulling the covers over myself and snuggling down to the pillows. I let the warmth surround me, and I closed my eyes to welcome that dark oblivion.

A/N: This chapter is 1494 words, and I hope you enjoy! Val, eh? Looks like she didn't totally forget who she is 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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