Chapter 5

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On a slick ice-covered floor Valder lied motionless.  He tried not to move and stared at the skylight while snow rained on his face.  Valder rose slowly to face the path before him.  There must have been four stories of layered ice that formed the walls of this canyon, climbing his way out would be impossible.  He nervously stalked through the unknown, extra cautious with his steps.  There seemed to be a mystical energy bound to the Rift, like these icy halls themselves spoke of great history.  Reflections followed Valder over mirrored ice and the storm above began to weaken.  Valder paused, his ears capturing the faint cry of a crow and it echoed passed his form and continued through the hollow. With a dash, Valder escaped the skylight to avoid being discovered.                                                                                                                      ​"This way... Hurry."  A child's voice emerged.                                                                 ​Valder reared against a wall of ice and steered to a small burrow from the direction of the sound.  "Yes, in here, it can't find you in here."  The voice ensured him.                                                         ​Valder removed his eyes from the skylight and entered the cleft, trusting the calm voice speaking.  Through this passage a silhouette came into view.  In a glowing white mist, a child revealed himself.  Time had frozen with a stunned mind and Valder questioned his own sight.  The young boy stood to Valder's waist dressed in assorted hide clothing and lightened hair combed away from a youthful face that stared at a confused warrior.  Sadness developed in Valder with the thought of how death came to the child.                                                                                 ​"Thank you."  He bowed to the spirit.                                                                                 ​"You can see me?!"  The boy asked with excitement.                                                                                              ​"As clear as day."  Valder assured.  "What happened to you?"                                                                                             ​The squawking of the crow pierced their ears once again.  "That isn't important right now, we must move quickly."  The boy manifested into an orb of light and bobbed through the air effortlessly.  The spirit navigated Valder through this icy crypt of shining corridors and after discovering a clearing the boy returned to his ordinary form. The surrounding ice collected all light produced from the young ghost and with it Valder detected more passages beyond the cubed chamber.                                                                                                                                          ​"We should be safe now."  The boy stated.                                                                                      ​Valder leaned against an ice surface but his curiosity about the ghost had not resided.  "How long have you been here?" Valder asked.                                                                                                       ​"Years ago, while I was at play, the winter snow came without warning.  I had lost my way and fell into the Rift.  It was then I became what you see now. I returned to my town Raven's Rock and saw my parents weeping endlessly.  Desperately I attempted to comfort them. My efforts however had failed, and I could no longer bear to see them sob.  So, by Oaknar's word, I was told to remain here in the Rift. He ensured me that someone would cross my path someday and it looks like that someone has arrived."                                                                                                    ​"I'm sorry for your fate, um..."                                                                                            ​"Axton, my name is Axton, but who might you be?"                                                               ​"I am Valder."  Glancing at the Rift Valder knew he would get lost in such a place.  "You must know your way around here; can I trust you to guide me through this frozen canyon."                                                                                                                                      ​Axton became excited.  "Yes of course!  You have places to be after all!"  The boy waved his arm.  "Follow me."                                                                                                                                       ​While exploring Glacier's Rift, Valder was amazed by its natural design.  It must have taken thousands of years for this ice to form into such a maze.  Valder asked more questions while they traveled deeper.  "Oaknar, has really spoken to you?"                                                                                                                                                      ​"On many occasions, but he has taken a disliking to our people recently; he did not give a reason but I believe it is because we have drifted further from one another, even at my age it is clear to see."                                                                                                                                     ​"You're not alone, Axton.  I have seen the same."                                                                            ​"If you are the one Oaknar spoke of, then there is so much in store for you."                                                              ​Valder wondered what he meant by the statement, but he replied honestly.  "Nobody knows what the future may bring, not even the gods.  But I shall keep my eyes keen and be ready for any challenges that lie before me."                                                                                                       ​Valder and his ghostly guide paused to stare at a steep crossing.  The ice bridge arched firmly over a river of spiked crystals.  One slip would result in certain death.  Axton turned to Valder with a warning.  "Be warry of your footing, it is quite slick ahead."                                                                                                                                               ​Valder treaded lightly and kept his eyes forward.  At the peak of the arch he witnessed the entrance to an ancient temple constructed from the surrounding ice.  This fortress was crafted by no man.  Rotten and battered wood remained where a sturdy door once locked these ruins.  The gateway resembled a mouth of sharp teeth from the stalactites of ice hovering over of its frame.                                                                                                                                             ​After entering, their first discovery was a destroyed battering ram, indicating a battle occurred here years ago.  Lying only feet away were the preserved corpses of Valgard soldiers.  Valder kneeled to face them and with a weathered steel axe he managed to snap a weak link in his shackles.  Now free to stretch his arms Valder claimed some items for himself.  This included the steel axe, a Valgard's helmet, and a wolf crested round shield. He had taken these items with a humble respect. Scanning the path ahead his peering eyes discovered more bodies.  Rather than being more of his own kind, these humanoids were much larger.  Their skin was chalky blue in tone and gluing to their domes were locks of solid white hair.                                                                                                                                  ​"Frost giants."  Axton informed.                                                                                      ​Valder's body became tense beholding the strange beings.  "I had always heard stories, but never took them seriously."   He studied their armor and weaponry.  From head to toe these frost giants were dressed in mammoth hide and within their death gripped hands were log handled axes and hammers crafted from chunks of ice.                                                                                                        ​"There is someone you must meet."  Axton declared.                                                                               ​Valder nodded with agreement and the young spirit continued stalking through the fortress.  Valder clinched the cold wood of his new axe as the explorers discovered a massive stone door.  Slash marks dug deep into its frame.  Someone at some time desperately tried to get inside.  Valder brushed the engravings in curiosity and in his distraction, Axton unearthed a hidden switch.  Activating this switch caused the slabs of stone to divide with a cloud of mist.                                                                                        ​"Who comes?"  A raspy voice echoed.                                                                                    ​Valder only constricted the handle of his axe tighter after hearing the trembling voice.  Upon a throne of ice in a mirrored chamber an elderly frost giant sat in comfort.                                                                                                                  ​Axton entered first.  "It is Axton, Isor.  I have brought you a visitor."                                                                              ​Valder stepped softly and remained close to his ghostly friend.  The frost giant Isor gripped the arms of his throne and leaned forward to examine the intruder.  A knotted beard swayed freely from his jaw and a horned helmet rested upon his head.  He seemed to be fighting old age and moved like a sloth.  His nostrils flared catching the scent of man.  "What is the purpose of bringing a human to my domain!"                                                                                                        ​Valder quickly spoke.  "My people are in danger."                                                                          ​A laugh escaped the giant's lips.  "The same people who hunted down my kin and stole our land.  You humans are all alike!  You have no respect for the world you walk on!"                                                                                                       ​"Isor, you don't understand.  He was sent by Oaknar."                                                                                 ​With wrath Isor's voice trembled.  "Then Oaknar has poor judgement!"                                                                           ​Valder could sense his anger.  "Isor, I have seen the damage my people have done here, and I am sorry for the acts they've committed.  I stand here to bring peace."                                                                                                     ​Isor grunted, seeming unpleased by his words.  Axton noticed his uneasiness and ensured him.  "He speaks the truth."                                                                                                ​The giant pondered with the thought for a moment.  "If it is truly Oaknar's will, then it shall be done!"  Surprisingly Isor had reconsidered.  "I refused to waste my final breathes choking on words of anger."                                                                                                                                                 ​Axton approached the foot of the throne with concern by the frost giant's words.  "What?  What are you saying Isor?"                                                                                                                             ​"Axton my loyal friend, I am not long for this world, I have seen death coming in the past weeks.  Your company has brought me much comfort."  With the last of Isor's energy he swung his massive arm at a wall of ice.  Piece by piece it crumbled revealing a longsword hanging stationary from a rusted hook.  "Human!  This is the key to your destiny.  Do not let it fall into the wrong hands."                                                                                                                                                      ​Valder nodded with agreement.  Isor's breath became deeper and he slumped further in his throne.  Axton scaled to the top and comforted his friend.  "See that he makes it out of the Rift."   Isor whispered.                                                                                                                   ​Axton started to weep.  "You can't leave me, Isor.  I don't wanna be alone."                                                                                        ​"Can you hear it?"  Isor stared at the ceiling of his chamber.  "Oaknar calls me to his hall."  Isor's head lowered and his eyes struck Axton.  "We will meet again, my friend."  The frost giant uttered his final words and sealed his heavy eyelids to welcome death.  Axton bowed in sorrow when the vapor of breath could no longer be detected.  Valder became entranced by the sword.  A silver guard decorated with dark blue sapphires shined in his eyes.  In the ghostly light of Axton shards of ice glimmered with a remarkable glow and seemed to be infused with the flawless steel.  Valder finally blinked and tested the sword with a couple swings.  Axton suppressed his emotions and leaped from Isor's throne.  "We must go, Valder.  It'll take some time to reach the edge of the Rift."

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