Chapter 1 - Of the Future

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Author's Note: Welp, this is another ROTS fix-it, and I know that everything might not be 100% logical, but it's self-indulgent. ^-^ Enjoy! :D

~ Amina Gila

Obi-Wan is concerned. Actually, that would be an understatement, because in reality, he's extremely worried. Ever since they returned to Coruscant, Anakin seems to have become increasingly troubled by something, and Obi-Wan isn't sure what it is. He's been hoping that his best friend would confide in him, but he hasn't, which is why he's currently standing in Padme's apartment in 500 Republica, immediately after the Council meeting in which he was ordered to Utapau to apprehend General Grievous.

"Has Anakin been to see you?" Obi-Wan asks the Senator politely as they sit down on opposite ends of a couch, giving no indication as to his knowledge of the answer.

"Several times," she replies slowly, obviously trying to figure out why he's here. "I was so happy to hear that he was accepted on the Jedi Council."

This brings a small smile to Obi-Wan's lips. Anakin is the best thing that's ever happened to him, and he doesn't think anyone could have brought him as much happiness as his former Padawan has. "I know," he agrees. "He deserves it. He is impatient, strong willed, very opinionated, but truly gifted."

Padme laughs softly at his words before sobering. "You're not just here to say hello. Something is wrong, isn't it?" Leave it to her to get right down to business.

"You should be a Jedi, Padme," he replies dryly. He's certain that he's not being obvious about his concern, but even so, she can obviously sense his unease or read it in his posture.

"You're not very good at hiding your feelings," she retorts. Neither are you.

"It's Anakin..." he confesses, hoping that, for once, she'll be able to give him the enlightenment which he sorely needs. "He's becoming moody and detached. He's been put in a difficult position as the Chancellor's representative... but I think it's more than that. I was hoping he may have talked to you."

"Why would he talk to me about his work?" Padme asks, face a perfect mask of confusion.

I wonder, he thinks dryly as he studies her. If she doesn't give him answers, he doesn't know who can. He shouldn't be this worried, but he's departing from Coruscant later today, and he has a really bad feeling about leaving Anakin when he's in this state. He reaches out with the Force to steady himself when he senses it. Not one, but two, unfamiliar, yet brilliant, presences hit him, and he nearly staggers under the sheer power he can feel.

His thoughts scramble, and he searches for the source, blinking in confusion when it ends right next to him. Padme. She can tell something is off, because she has a slightly concerned look on her face, but Obi-Wan zeroes in on the two presences. Twins. Padme is carrying twins. Anakin's twins. Only Skywalkers could be so strong when still unborn.

Obi-Wan feels a slight tug, and one of the presences seems to reach out to him, silently demanding his attention. The Force is whispering the urgency around him, and he can feel the tension in the air.

"Obi-Wan...?" Padme gives him a confused, yet expectant look.

"A moment," he murmurs distracted, trying to see what this unborn child wants. He closes his eyes and is instantly sucked into the Force.

"Obi-Wan," he hears a young man's voice calling out to him. "Ben, please. Help my father."

There's darkness surrounding him, and the presence of the child which he'd felt is still here, but it's different now, shaped by the passage of time. Images and voices begin to intrude, flashing past so fast that he can hardly make them out.

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