Chapter 6 - Closure

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Author's Note: There is only an epilogue left. :D

~ Amina Gila

The victory had come far faster than Obi-Wan had anticipated for which he's profoundly grateful. The survivors have mostly fled, and he doubts they'll be regrouping anytime in the near future. Mandalore will be safe in Bo-Katan's hands. They don't stay either. Once the battle was declared over, Bo-Katan had sincerely thanked them for their assistance, and they, along with all the clone troops, had returned to their Star Destroyers to begin the journey back to Coruscant.

It also means that Obi-Wan now has to deal with whatever fate has befallen the Chancellor. If Sidious is dead – please let him be dead – then he doesn't need to fear, because Anakin is safe. If he's still alive... the war may have just begun. When they arrive on the bridge, Admiral Yularen informs Obi-Wan that Windu had contacted him less than an hour earlier wanting to speak to him and Anakin. So, they go to the conference room where Obi-Wan places the call.

The comm is answered almost immediately, a hologram of Windu appearing. "Obi-Wan, I assume you were successful on Mandalore?"

"Yes, we were," Obi-Wan tells him. "Maul is dead. Anakin killed him."

"Good," Windu answers shortly. "Fisto defeated Grievous, and I took Shaak Ti, Kolar, and Tiin to order that the Chancellor give up his emergency powers. Yoda returned from Kashyyyk to join us." He pauses. "Palpatine was asking about Skywalker's whereabouts, but you were right. He was the Sith Lord behind the war. Shaak Ti will make a full recovery in time, and Kolar and Tiin fell to his blade before Yoda and I were able to defeat him. Sidious is dead." He doesn't mention his own obvious injuries, or the bandages covering his entire right arm.

Obi-Wan closes his eyes for a moment as a wave of relief crashes into him. He has never before been so grateful to hear that someone is dead, and he would feel guilty if not for the fact that Sidious was on the brink of destroying the galaxy. "That is good news," he says finally, "But I imagine it will be a political nightmare."

"Yes," agrees Windu, "Though I have obtained the full footage of the duel. We killed him in self-defense. It's perfectly legal."

"Let's hope that his allies agree," Obi-Wan replies dryly.

Windu hesitates again, and Obi-Wan gets the feeling that he's not saying something. "Sidious made some interesting revelations about Skywalker, not least of which is that he wanted him as his apprentice."

"Maul said much the same thing," Obi-Wan admits, "And I did gather as much from my vision."

Anakin gives him a sideways look, but remains silent, his Force signature dark and brooding. They'll definitely need to talk again after this is over. "We will discuss it in full upon your return," Windu decides at last before he disconnects the call.

The second it's over, Anakin turns towards him. "Did you really see that I would Fall?" he questions, voice troubled.

Now that Sidious is dead, their greatest worries are over. Obi-Wan no longer fears quite as much what telling Anakin the full truth of his vision will cause. "Yes," he confesses. "I didn't want to tell you earlier because I feared for how you might react. Anakin, I know it will be hard for you to accept, but Palpatine was manipulating you. I don't believe that your visions of Padme's death were true visions of the future. And even if they are, do you really think that the Force would give someone – even you – control over life and death?"

"The Daughter did on Mortis," protests Anakin.

Obi-Wan smiles despite himself. "Yes, and she was using the Light Side. But she was also a living embodiment of the Force. Your children – from what I saw – grew up separated, not knowing they were related until they were both adults. They never knew their true parents. Maybe you are having visions, which I do doubt, and maybe Padme will... die, but you will have your children. And you will have me and Ahsoka."

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