Chapter 8

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"I was bound to have to explain it to more people at some point." They walked over towards the orange bed and sat down. Wilbur stayed in the room this time, probably to help encourage Y/n. I sat next to Wilbur again while looking at Y/n. "I personally don't know how to start this conversation off, but I'll just go for it." I wanted to hear the explanation in Y/n's own words. They took in a deep breath and gave out that same breath.

"Schlatt is me and my brother's biological father."




Techno's POV

So my suspicions were correct. They didn't want to make eye contact with any of us. I mean it's fair, but I want the whole story. "What happened?" They stood up from the bed and walked over from in front of me. They had reached out for the photo of them and the other two men. They stared at the photo for a while. I saw tears forming in their eyes. One started to roll down their cheek. Before I could think my hand was on their cheek wiping away the tears spilling from their face.

"Um, so when I was really young, like 3 or 4, my mother had left my dad right after my brother was born. She had not wanted to have children and had left." I retreated my hand away from their face. They went back to the bed and leaned against the wall. "Me and the boys were really close. Dad would always put on a smile for me and my brother so we wouldn't worry." Wow, I thought Schlatt was just an egotistical tyrant, well I meant he is now but I didn't know this had happened to him.

"When I was about 6, I woke up one night to Tubbo crying. I had gone to his room to calm him down. When I was heading back to my room I saw my dad's light on." They paused, they took a breath before speaking again. "I walked in and saw him sitting on the floor with an alcohol bottle in his hand, crying." I looked at Will and he just stared at Y/n while they sat on the bed. I stood up and sat next to Y/n. They looked up at me and smiled a bit.

"I had spoken up and he looked freaked out and he tried to get up and put on a smile. He had fallen back down due to how much he had drank. I walked over to him and just sat there with him as he just started crying." I hesitantly put my hand on theirs to try and comfort them. They interlocked their hand with mine. My face started to heat up but tried to hide it and keep listening.

"When I was 7 and Tubbo was 3, dad had taken me and my brother to multiple places that day. He had bought us matching charms for the three of us." They had pulled out a necklace that had been hidden under the rim of their shirt. It was a puzzle piece with their first initial. "Tubbo has a similar piece to mine and dad had bought a piece where both of the puzzle pieces would fit into the small little circle." 

They stared down at the puzzle piece smiling, their smile soon dropped

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They stared down at the puzzle piece smiling, their smile soon dropped. I assumed they were going to say something that they were not to fawned of.

"After that day we had stopped at the park with almost nobody around and I was holding onto my baby brother as my dad knelt down to me. He said 'Daddy's gonna have to go for a while, I need you to take care of your little brother while I'm gone. I want you to remember that I will always love you.' Then he got up and started to walk away." They started choking on their words. I scooted closer to them, still holding their hand. "I was a dumb little kid at the time so I didn't think anything of it till me and my brother waited there for about a week." Tears started spilling out of their eyes. They started silently sobbing but still continued.

"That was the last time I had seen him, and now he just seems like a completely different person." I bring them into a hug just letting them cry. They seemed to have been holding all of this back for so long. That must have been hard for them, taking care of their brother from such a young age. I just sit there letting them cry into my chest for as long as needed.

A couple minutes had passed and they had calmed down a bit, still laying on my chest. They suddenly got up, their warmth leaving my chest and I watched them get up next to Will and gave the picture back to him. He put it in the inside of his trench coat pocket. They walked towards the blocked entry way and stood there for a minute before saying anything.

"Thank you guys but I have to go, I have to go to work tomorrow and I have to cook dinner for Tubbo and I." I look back at Will, he looked confused at their statement. "Work? What work do you have?" They had frozen in the doorway. Wilbur didn't know, this was going to be interesting. "Schlatt had let me and Tubbo keep our jobs. When you brought me here I had thought of just relaying information to you." They had turned back to Will. Will got up from the enderchest and walked over to them. He put a hand on their shoulder and looked them in the eye.

"Just stay safe alright?" That went better than I expected. They nodded their head and headed out. As they closed up the doorway I flopped down fully on the bed thinking about what had happened today. Thinking about them and how they were crying. It broke my heart to see them like that. I feel a shake in my arm and I look over to see Will staring at me with a grin. "Alright lover boy, we got work to do." He then just started to walk away. Bruh- my face started to heat up and I quickly got up from the bed and started walking after Wilbur. "STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I thought to myself about it for a couple moments. I know I had just met them but...

Do I like them like that?

~You're the One I'm Meant to be With~ A Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now