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"Dad, before you go take this." Techno handed Phil an enchanted compass. "So you know where I am at all times." I saw the corner of Techno's lips curled up into a small grin. It made me smile to myself as I stood next to Techno and held onto his arm as we watched Phil walking through the snow. "Thank you." I stare up at him confused. He looked down at me with a small smile. "For what." He pulled me into a tight hug. "For being you." I smile into his chest and hug him back.

I hope this lasts forever.




Techno's POV

I held Y/n for a couple minutes before something crossed my mind. I grab their waist and pull them away. They looked at me with a confused look and tilted their head a bit. "Is something the matter Techno?" I shook my head and looked away from them. "No, just something that's been in my mind for a while." They backed up a little bit and leaned against the wall. "Is it the voices again?" I shake my head again and cross my arms.

"No, it's about what happened at the..." I paused and looked up at Y/n. "...festival." I saw they had tensed up a bit. I walk over and grab their hand and place my forehead on theirs. "When you got angry, you started to... control the water." They pulled their hands away from mine and they just looked confused. "Do you really not remember?" They shook their head and looked down, probably to think of what happened that day.

"I- no I don't." I pulled them towards the couch so they could sit down. "Do you have any memory of being able to do that?" It was a couple moments before they shook their head. "Do you know where you could have gotten this power?" They started shaking their head no, but then they suddenly stopped and looked up at me. "Actually, yeah there could be. Do you still have those books that Wilbur gave you?" I looked at them confused and nodded. I pointed at the small library and they bolted towards the room. I got up from the couch and followed them into the room to see that they had taken out almost every single book from the shelf and started scanning them.

"What are you looking for?" They didn't answer until they placed their hand on a page. "This..." I walk around and kneel down behind them to look at the book. Their hand was placed on a picture, I looked over at the other page and saw it was titled 'The Spirit of the Sea'. I look at the picture to see a woman with the same h/c and e/c as Y/n. I look at them in disbelief, there is no way. "Is that... your mother?" They stared at the page for a while, they smiled a little at the picture made of ink.

"She used to sing me songs before she left. I always thought she didn't want anything to do with us." I sit fully on the ground and place a hand on their shoulder. "How did you know she would be in one of these books?" They just sat there for a couple seconds looking at the picture. "I remember her saying something to me before she left." I shifted around so I could look at them straight in the face while they talked.

"It was the middle of the night and I had woken up and wanted to grab a glass of water because I was thirsty. I walked out into the small kitchen to find my mother near the front door with it open. My thoughts on the water were discarded as I walked towards the door where my mother stood." They kept their eyes on the book as their hand was still placed on the picture. "I called out for her and she seemed surprised to see me awake and of course asked why I was, but my stubborn self didn't answer her as I asked her where she was going." I saw tears start to form in their eyes and it pained me that they were hurt.

"She knelt down in front of me and only smiled. I had heard the line that I apparently was gonna hear for the rest of my life: 'I have to go somewhere for a while, but I will be back some day.' She had stood up and turned around but before she actually left the door she told me: 'You have something special within yourself. Use it wisely and use it with care'. Before I got the chance to know what she was talking about, she was gone." I saw multiple tears start streaming down their face. I tossed the books to the side as I grabbed Y/n and pulled them into a hug. They clung onto me and we just sat there for several minutes. After they had calmed down they let go of me and stood up, the book still in their hand from the floor and I followed. They looked up at me with determined eyes.

"I want you to help me with this supposed power. I don't care what it does, as long as I can protect you and others." I smile at them as I walk towards them with a smile on my face. I nod and they smile back at me. "Anything for you love." They giggled and I saw a tint of pink come onto their face. They walk towards the door, finally putting the book down.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

~You're the One I'm Meant to be With~ A Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now