Chapter 20

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"That's what they've been saying." I stood there shocked as he backed away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have do-" my body moved on its own as I grabbed the collar of his shirt before he fully turned away and pulled him into another kiss. This one was more passionate and full of feelings finally being released from deep down.

Was this really happening?!




Y/n's POV

Both of us stood there, lips connected, for a few more minutes in the rain. I pulled away from him, losing the warmth from his lips. I step a couple feet back from him and cough. "Sorry, I'm gonna head back in and talk to Tubbo." He reached his hand out towards me, but I ran away inside. I went down the stairs and went into a room by myself to think. What the hell did he just do! What the hell did I just do! We just kissed. TWICE! HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN! HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN!

"Y/n-n?" I look towards the door to see Tubbo. I take a deep breath and smile. "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" He smiles a bit, as he walks towards me as he leans his head on my shoulder. "Well I did get half my face exploded with fireworks, but I'm fine." Right, that. I lifted his face and inspected his face. "They gave me a health potion, just for the bleeding to stop and to scar up." I keep inspecting his face, regret filling my mind.

"Tubbo, I'm so sorry I dragged you into this." He shook his head at me and smiled. "It's not your fault, I kept coming here every day. If anything, I should be saying sorry." I put my hand on the left side of his face and cupped it. "They said I could take off the bandages in about 2 hours." I nodded at him and just kept smiling. I heard a knock from the doorway, Tubbo and I turned our heads towards the door to see Wilbur.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you and Tubbo, you need to rest for now." We both nodded. I walked to the doorway and turned to see Tubbo laying down on the bed with his eyes closed. I walk out into the main area to see him standing next to a couple figures. What were they doing here?!

"Eret? Niki, Fundy?" I look behind them to see Quackity sulking behind them. "Quackity, what are you guys doing here?" Quackity didn't make any sort of eye contact with me, nor did he attempt to. "We are all tired of being pushed around by Schlatt." Niki walked up to me and took my hands in hers. I look down at the ground knowing what they all meant. I know he still has good in him, but this is going too far. "Y/n you don't-" I shook my head, I looked up at them all. I had a few tears in my eyes, but I also had a smile on my face.

"I know, but we have to. He has to be stopped, and peace isn't going to work now." Niki stepped back as Fundy stepped forward and hugged me. I hug the boy back. "Remember that one time you sang to us?" I looked down at him confused and so did the others. "Yeah, what about it bud?" He looked at me and started wiping my tears away. "I believe my words were 'No sad'." I giggled as he continued to wipe my tears away. I felt another pair of arms grab me from behind and I turn to see Tommy also hugging me at the same time as Fundy. He didn't say anything, he just stood there. Fundy lets go of me and I turn to face Tommy.

"Tommy, none of this is your fault. None, I know you too well to know you are thinking that." He gripped me tighter as I felt tears slipping from his eyes. I hugged him and ran my fingers through his hair as he cried into my chest. I heard a noise coming from the stairs, I turned my head to see a soaked Techno at the foot of the stairs. My face heats up a bit, but smiled at him and open my arms to him as well. He walked over and pulled me and Tommy into his chest. I look over at Wilbur with a smile on his face.

"Get your ass over here Will." He rolled his eyes as he walked to us and joined the hug. We stood there for a couple minutes before we pulled apart from each other. Wilbur walked over and stood in front of Fundy. He didn't say anything, but he pulled him into a hug and whispered a small 'I'm sorry.' Fundy's ears dropped as he hugged his father tightly. I smile as I see Techno scoot towards me.

"Who's that?" I was still looking at Fundy and Wilbur still with a smile on my face. "That's Fundy, Wilbur's son." Wilbur had let go of Fundy and was talking to him before they walked over to where Me and Techno stood. "Techno, meet my son. Fundy, this is your Uncle Technoblade." Fundy seemed tense around Techno. I grabbed Fundy's hand and nodded at him with a smile. He pulled his hand away and held it out for Techno.

"It's nice to meet you." Techno glanced at me, he seemed nervous. I gave him the same smile and nodded at him. He took a deep breath and grabbed Fundy's hand and shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to see Tommy pointing to a more secluded area with Wilbur already heading there. I left everyone to meet the two boys.

"Is something wrong?" Tommy only clung to me as Wilbur stood in front of a stone wall with a bunch of plans on it. "Wilbur, what's all of this?" He stood facing away from us for a couple minutes before saying anything. "Y/n, my dearest and oldest friend." What the hell is happening? Why is he acting like this? I look down at Tommy to see him only looking at the ground.

"I have a plan, and I need you to help me." He finally turned around and his eyes had turned from a dark brown to a blood read. "Wilbur... what are you going to do." Tommy clung onto my arm even more. "This country is gone, too far from being saved so," He walked towards me and Tommy with a devilish smirk on his face. I pulled Tommy close, not having a good feeling about what was about to happen.

"I want L'manburg gone." What? Gone? "Wilbur, what do you mean by 'gone'?" He walked back to the wall and opened a chest that was in the corner and grabbed it. He walked back over and held it out for me and Tommy to see. Both of us froze at the sight of what he was holding.

"I want to blow L'manburg to the ground."

~You're the One I'm Meant to be With~ A Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now