Chapter 29

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"I want you to help me with this supposed power. I don't care what it does, as long as I can protect you and others." I smile at them as I walk towards them with a smile on my face. I nod and they smile back at me. "Anything for you love." They giggled and I saw a tint of pink come onto their face. They walk towards the door, finally putting the book down.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"




Y/n's POV

Me and Techno walk out into the snow and he digs up some dirt then places water in the new hole in the ground. He had taken the book from where I had set it down and opened it back to the page with the picture. "It says here that 'The Spirit of the Sea's power comes from her emotions.' That may explain why the power would activate when you were upset." I nodded my head as he continued to read the page. "It also says 'She is able to summon up storms along with controlling the properties of water.' So how about we start with just controlling the water?" I nod, I sit down on the ground in front of the hole full of water. I close my eyes trying to concentrate on the water. I groan and flop back, my back hitting the ground, and stare up at the sky.

"It's not working!" I hear the crunch of the snow growing closer till I see Techno come to view. "Maybe you have to let go." I sat up and looked back up again, and I was very confused. "What do you mean by that?" He bends down and sits right next to me, but he wasn't looking at me. "What I mean is you need to let go of all of that baggage you have stored up inside there." He poked my head and as he talked. "You just need to let it go, use it but don't let it control you." I look down and sigh as I close my eyes again. I hear Techno get up and back up again. I breathe in and out as I concentrate on not exactly the water but everything else going through my mind and flushing it out, but not exactly trying to forget it.

"Good job." I opened my eyes to see Techno smiling, I then looked over to see that the water was not in the hole anymore, but it was floating above the hole. I smile to myself as I stand up from the cold, snow covered, ground. I lifted my hand up towards the water and started moving my hand and the water followed. I was grinning like a fucking idiot, but I couldn't help it. "I did it!" I spun around, the water still following my hand. I heard Techno start to laugh at my childish actions when I suddenly had an idea. I raised my other hand to the water, then I separated my hands and the water split in two. I grin to myself as I lead one of the puddles of water above Techno's head. I dropped my hand and the water fell with it, soaking Techno with the water. I started laughing at him and the water that was being controlled with my other hand fell onto the snow. I just heard a groan come from Techno as he walked over to me.

"Haha, very funny Y/n." I continue to laugh at him while trying to say something. "I-it was e-extream-ly funny!" I see him in the corner of my eye walking towards me and before I knew it he had picked me up and was holding me close getting me soaking wet as well. "Hey- TECHNO ITS COLD!" He held me tighter as he laughed. "NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" We both laughed as he started walking towards the house, while he was still carrying me. "Techno you can put me down now." He just continued to hold me with a shit eating smirk plastered all over his face.

"Nah, I'm fine just like this." He continued to walk towards the house. I pouted while he entered the house, then he immediately threw me onto the couch. "Rude!" He just walked away as I got up from the couch to start a fire in the fireplace so this place could at least be a little bit warmer. I heard footsteps behind me then immediately felt a blanket being thrown onto my head. He laughed as I took the blanket off my head and turned around to face Techno. I grin at him as I quickly tackle him onto the couch, he laughs and I join him shortly after. After a couple minutes we had both stopped laughing and were laying on the couch under the blanket.

"Do you think everything is going to stay the same as it is now Techno?" He shifted and moved his hand on top of my head and started stroking my hair. "I can't promise anything, but I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." I smile and curl up into his chest and close my eyes.

"Then I will do the same. I will keep you safe."

~You're the One I'm Meant to be With~ A Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now