My Potstickers Tried to KILL Me

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What if Kara got sick from Potstickers for another reason?


"Don't you ever get bored of those?" Nia asked, looking at the container in front of Kara. The two were having their lunch at Catco, and Kara had bought potstickers from her usual place. Nia scrunched up her nose at that and looked at her own fresh pizza.

"Not really. I love it too much. But Lena doesn't let me have it all the time," Kara answered, looking at her protege.

Nia shrugged. She pulled her pizza up and took a bite, watching as Kara stabbed her food and brought it to her mouth, biting it with a half-smirk. Nia rolled her eyes and bit her pizza. She took out her phone and started to text Brainy, planning a date.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Kara pull at her shirt, as she dropped her potsticker. She moved her jaw, looking uncomfortable. Nia frowned, putting her phone down. "Are you okay?"

Kara blinked, a confused look on her face. She looked at Nia. "I-I can't, I can't breathe," she gasped. She tried to inhale, but she was unable to. "K-Kryp-"

Nia quickly searched the food for anything green. She frowned when she didn't find any. She looked at Kara, who was gasping for air. Kara was gripping the edge of the table, while trying to breathe.

"N-N-" she tried to get out, but nothing came out. She pushed herself up, but quickly tipped over. Nia shot up and caught Kara before she fell, letting her drop on the ground.

Nia stood up and looked around, seeing Lena in her office. "Lena!" she shouted, and the CEO looked over, frowning. Her eyes widened when she saw Kara on the ground. She quickly ran to them, dropping on her knees in front of Kara.

"What's going on? What happened?" Lena asked, looking at Nia.

The younger woman shook her head, feeling her heart thumping in her chest. "We were eating, and everything was okay. But then she started to gasp for air. She thought there might have been kryptonite in her food, but I didn't find anything."

Lena frowned, looking down at Kara, who was gripping her hand, her lips slowly turning blue. Lena looked up at Nia. "We need to get her to the hospital."

"Won't the DEO be better?"

"We need to get there fast. She can't breathe. Her pulse is fast, too fast. Let's go!"

Nia and Lena helped Kara up to her feet and helped her out of the building, into Lena's car. And took her to the hospital.


Alex had her arms crossed over her chest, watching Kara, who was unconscious, to destress her body.

"So turns out, Kara is allergic to the dumpling wrapper. We never realized since she ate them when she had her powers," Lena said, standing next to Alex.

Alex let out a small laugh. "She's allergic to her favorite food. I can't wait until we tell her. She's going to have a heart attack."

Lena didn't smile. She just turned to Kara.

"Too soon?"

"She wasn't breathing when we brought her in," Lena said, her voice filled with fear. She looked at Alex, tears in her eyes. "We could have lost her. Not because of a fight, or an ambush. By a piece of food."

"She has a way to keep us on our toes," Alex told her, wrapping her arms around the other women. "She's going to be okay. If aliens and anti-alien organizations can't keep her down, potstickers won't be able to do it either."

Lena looked up at Alex. The older woman just let out a small sigh and hugged the CEO. Lena leaned into Alex, feeling the warmth the hug brought.

"Kara wouldn't let a potsticker take her away from you. She will always do her best to come back to us, to you. You just have to believe it," Alex whispered, rubbing Lena's back.

"Wha's goin' on?" Kara slurred from the hospital bed, slowly blinking her eyes awake.

Lena wiped her tears while Alex walked up to her sister. "You had an allergic reaction. Lena and Nia brought you here."

"I'm allergic to somethin'?"

Alex smirked, turning to Lena, who nodded. Alex sat on the hospital bed and leaned closer to Kara. "You're allergic to potstickers."

Kara's eyes widened. "Wha'? Potsticker? Why?"

Alex and Lena shrugged.

Kara's eyes started to fill with tears. "B-but potstickers make me happy. I-I need them when I lose my powers."

Lena grabbed Kara's hand and rubbed her arm. "We'll find a way around this. I promise. I will do everything I can to make sure you can still have your potstickers."

Kara nodded, sniffling. Alex bit her lip to keep from laughing.

There was a moment of silence, when Kara started to cry. Lena and Alex were surprised at the crying. "Kar, what's going on? Does something hurt?"

Kara shook her head, sobs escaping her body. "My potstickers tried to KILL me!" She cried out.

Lena closed her eyes and hugged her girlfriend. Alex couldn't stop the laugh from escaping. She fell off the bed and held her stomach as she laughed.

She wiped the tears from her eyes. Lena stared at her with an amused expression, and Kara glared at her, tears still streaming down her face.

"God, I wish I had this on video. How many views do you guys think it would have gotten? 'Supergirl, taken down by potstickers', 'Supergirl cries for potstickers' oh, I got one, 'Supergirl's greatest enemy, Potstickers'. I have to tell mom."

"I hate you," Kara muttered, pressing her face against Lena's neck.

The CEO rubbed Lena's back. Alex grinned.

"So, who wants potstickers for dinner?"

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