Kara Danvers Is Going To Be The Death Of Me

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What if the Legends couldn't babysit Kid Kara?


Sara pulled the sleeping Kara closer and nodded. "Alright, let's raise an alien baby."

"Actually Captain Lance, there is a disturbance in the timeline," Gideon said, awakening the young girl. Kara trembled in Sara's arms. Sara rubbed her back, while Kara kept her eyes closed.

"Is the whole team needed?" Sara asked, rocking the girl back to sleep. Kara muttered in her sleep, but seemed to relax.

"I am afraid so," Gideon said, not sounding so sorry.

"Could you keep an eye on Kara while we are gone?"

"I am afraid I can not do that, but I have taken the liberty of contacting Mr. Barry Allen," the ship's AI told the captain.

Sara sighed and looked at the sleeping girl in her arms. "You'll love him. I'm sure he'll be able to care for you better than we can."


"You were telling the truth," Barry whispered, taking Kara from Sara. The little girl huffed in her sleep, but relaxed in Barry's arms.

"I wish you the best of luck," Sara told him before activating her time courier. She walked back into the timeship. Barry looked down at the girl in his arms, smiling softly at how relaxed Kara looked. Barry turned and walked into his bedroom, dropping the girl on the bed. He made sure Kara was tucked in before leaving the room.

What was the worst Kara could get into?


Barry walked into the room, and saw that the girl was still asleep. Barry walked to the bed and looked at the girl. Kara was adorable, and she looked physically how the other leaders saw her, a younger sister. Barry stood up, knowing he had to have food ready for the girl soon. Barry stood up and left the room and started to make pancakes from scratch.

Once the pancakes were all created, Barry went back to the bedroom, only to find Kara gone. He was about to panic and look for her, but took a deep breath. He got down to the ground and looked under the bed, to see Kara hidden underneath.

"Hey," Barry whispered, smiling softly at Kara, but the little girl just glared at him.

She said something in her native language. But frowned, not understanding. He looked at the pancakes and pushed them closer to the little girl. Kara frowned, but took one of them and took a bite. Her eyes widened, and she pushed herself to sit up.

Only to hit the top of her head on the bed frame. Tears filled her eyes and before Barry knew, he had an armful of crying kryptonian. Barry just held her tightly as he rubbed the top of her head. "Sh, it's okay, you're okay." Kara just pressed her face against Barry's chest, crying her heart out.

Kara was fragile as a human. She was more so as a human child. Barry was not sure how he was going to survive.


"This is my office," Barry told Kara, holding her little hand. The little girl, who was licking her ice cream cone, looked around and nodded.

"Ukr," she said, nodding her head. She let go of Barry's hand and walked to the shelf of chemicals, inspecting them.

Barry just watched her with a small smile, as she got on her tippy toes to look at shelves too tall for her. Barry started his work, keeping an ear out on the young girl. He could hear her talking to herself every time she saw a new item. Kara would grab something, look at it, and nod to herself, muttering Kryptonese to herself.

Kara Danvers vs Being Human: Alternate TimelinesWhere stories live. Discover now