Chapter 9 - Do you remember me?

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"Wait up we need to impress my new sugar daddy" she said and bursted out laughing, she tried to keep her cool facing her screen.


*-: she's living the dream

*-: some ho3 sh¡t, you go girl

She chuckled reading the chat, she clicked her tongue and shook her head, "stay holy folks and friends" she pointed at the camera

Kodzuken btw, do
you remember me?

Her brows furrowed unsure what he's talking about, her eyes re-read the message over and over again. She cleared her throat and opened her mouth to speak,


*-: is he ur ex or something?

*-: a childhood friend?

*-: ohh tea

*-: 😮

"Wait what?? I'm sorry?" She asked confused, she tried to think about who he can be. She did meet quite a lot of people recenly. "I know you're a big internet figure." She stated what she's aware of, still not knowing that her duo back then is now the guy she's talking to.

"But can you drop like any clue? Maybe i met you back then" she tilted her head trying to remember a thing or two.

Kodzuken Applepi.

Her lips parted slowly when realization hits.

"KENMA????" She asked, estatic.

Kodzuken I'm glad
you remember

"Oh my its been so long!" She covered her mouth and smiled, "oh my-- is it actually you. I--" she rubbed her temple while still smiling widely. She paused her game and tried to process everything for a minute.

She Google his name and found out what he looked like. She took a moment to stare at his face,

"Oh wow." Those words unknowingly escaped her lips. She shook her head and drifted her attention back to the stream,


*-: hold up we don't follow

*-: I have no clue what's happening..

*-: story time!!!

*-: I'm lost

*-: share the tea

"You guys wanna hear out my story?" She asked, "hmm should I really tell you?" She teased, "I feel like I shouldn't" she smirked


*-: stop the tease old fart

"Excuse me?!" She laughed after reading the message, she placed her hand on her chest acting offended. She looked back to the cam and spoke;

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