Chapter 12 - meet up vlog || playlist

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(A/n: i know rn the story is progressing very slow, but something is coming i swear)

Not long after, she recieved a dm stating that he's already there.

"So... yeah, i know you know whats up, i'm ending the stream. I'll continue it later" she said struggling to fight a smile from appearing.

- Chat -



:; My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

"Now, now, come on guys," she cooed, "i'll upload the video i promise. I'll also update on instagram." She ensured. After talking about it they finally agreed. She chuckled and finally drop a few words saying goodbye, she waved at the camera and ended the stream.

She locked the room and rushed down stairs, she stepped outside and scan the area, her eyes landed on the raised hand from quite a distance. She walked towards Kenma who's sitting on the hood of his car.

"Hi..." she greeted,

"Hey" he gave her a smile.

"This is so unexpected" she grinned,

"It is, where's my apple pie?" He asked, her brows furrowed for a second and realization hits, her eyes lit up and she laughed.

"I didn't have time to bake" she said,

"You forgot didn't you?" He raised his brow teasing the h/c haired girl,

"Did not" she lied, "but i remember now." She defended, Kenma took his phone out from his pocket and snapped a picture of her.

"Oi! Atleast inform me!" She hit his shoulder and looked at the photo.

"What? It looks good. Such a pretty stolen shot" he said, she became flustered but shook it off,

"I know right?" She said being bold, y/n also snapped a picture of them and posted it on her story.

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With @kodzuken.

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"We should go to a super market" she suggested,

"Super market? Huh, why?" he asked, confused by her idea.

"We'll bake" she said proud of her bright idea.

"You can bake?" He asked,

"No worries we'll figure it out later." She said,

"I don't find that very assuring" Kenma muttered.

"It'll be fine"

They got into his car and drove off,

"Can i play a song?" She asked,

"Go on" he replied shortly,

"Go on" he replied shortly,

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The ride was quiet. Y/n closed her eyes and listen to the song in peace. She hummed along softly and sang from time to time. She looked out from the car window and stared at the sky.

they took some clips of them shopping, when they got back to the room she's staying, he set up the camera.

"yes we are now a cooking channel." she said to the chat. "see it didn't take us much time" she added.

"yup." kenma smiled 

"so we're going to bake applep pie, and you are going to teach us. if this comes bad, it's alright Kenma will eat it all" she assured, Kenma shook his head no.

"do you even know how to make dough?" he asked in a whisper.

"i have no idea how" she laughed.

"will we be okay???" he grinned.

"we'll find out soon enough" she said,

"wash your hands first. no food poisoning here" 

- Chat -

;: don't burn everything down

Daisy : you guys are so cute 😭😭😭


:; i love all this

:; patiently waits for tea*

"thankyou" she replied to the streamer.

"Daisy? why are you here?" Kenma asked and tilted his head.

- Chat -

Daisy: you guys are trending on twitter, hey N/n!!

"hi!" she waved at the cam,

- Chat -

Daisy: btw, kenmaaa you haven't been streaming with me lately!

Daisy: btw, kenmaaa you haven't been streaming with me lately!

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