Bitter taste of jelousy

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After all that, she returned back to her room and spent the night browsing tweets

(Name) chuckled lightly reading all the comments from the stream,

"That was so stupid" she mentally face palmed. Her eyes finally landed on the comment by Kenma himself.


She raised her brows thinking he's hopping onto the troll, she shrugged it off and replied,

@Kodzuken thank you so much

*knock knock knock

She took her attention off from her phone and stood up, her brows furrowed the thought 'who would come here at this hour?' The thought lingered inside her mind.

"No one informed me they would come by" she added, she walked towards the door and peeped through the hole, she can barely tell who it was.

She twisted the knob and opened the door. She saw a tired blonde with an expression she can't read.

Kenma looked down on the shorter female who seem surprised by his appearance. (A/n: If ur taller i apologize)

"Hi?? What brought you here--" before he answered he let himself in and sat on the couch. He seem to be occupied with his thoughts. "Kenma???" She asked,

"Congrats" he muttered,

"What?" She scratched the back of her head and stood infront of him.

"You never told me bout that" he said, her lips parted when it clicked. She rubbed her temple in disbelief.

"You actually believed it?" She asked,

"I probably believed it because he fucking kissed you" he replied.

"It was nothing, they were just chanting so it'll be awkward to not--" she struggled to explain not knowing how to put it.

"If he wanted free dessert i could buy him a fucking hundred" he mumbled,

"Why are you so mad anyway?" She raised a brow up. He scoffed,

"I don't know, why am i mad?" He leaned back on the couch mentally cursing Terushima on his head. He let out a sigh feeling agitated the more he thought about it. "I don't know anymore but one thing is for sure, my urge to punch him is strong."

"You have no right to be mad or question what i do" she informed, "me and terushima are friends, you and i are friends. End of discussion" he stood up and cupped her cheeks gently. He stared at the side of her lips where Terushima's lips landed on. His jaw clenched feeling more irritated towards the other guy.

Now that he's closer to her, he reeks alchohol, how come she did'nt notice it right away?

She held his wrist trying to remove his hand from her face, but stopped when she was engulfed into a hug. He placed a hand on the back of her head and rested her head on top of hers.

"I don't like that guy." He stated,

"Well that's not my problem." She said, "atleast he doesn't hangout with me then entertain someone else making me look completely stupid in front of a thousand audience talking to someone like they're the only people in the world like all of us were not there-- like i'm not there."

"Daisy and i are friends." She let out a huff in disbelief. The audacity, she distanced herself from him feeling her blood boil.

"And so is Terushima and i!" She exclaimed.

"Well obviously he doesn't see you as a friend." He stated,

"Does daisy see you as a friend?!" She asked, he didn't respond to what she said, "why are you acting like i did you wrong?!" Her voice faltered.

"I see her as a friend, do you see him as a friend?" He asked,

"I do!" She raised her voice a little more.

"Do you see me as a friend?" He asked,

"Yeah" she respond shortly.

"You and i.. friends? I don't like that label." He admitted.

"You're hot and then you're cold. I don't know what anymore. You're confusing the shit out of me" she cursed.

"I'm sorry." He apologized reaching out for the h/c haired girl. "I was insensitive." He mumbled,

"Don't you come near me" she slapped his hand away.

He sighed and stared at (name) whose teary-eyed.

"Don't cry..." he said,

"Shut up!" She yelled.

He took a step forward and quickly hugged (name)

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry" he repeatedly apologized. He ran his fingers through her hair trying to soothe her. He placed small kisses all over fore head.

"I can't seem to figure you out at all." She mumbled, "I thought even without seeing the person on the other side of the screen, since i knew you for a year. My stupid head thought i knew you so well. Guess i was wrong" she stated,

 Guess i was wrong" she stated,

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