6- Pain and Surprises

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Gitangali's P.O.V.
I dressed in all white. I had my hair down. I wanted to look a mess. I wanted people to see me like this. But I didn't want them to mourn. I remembered what Nikhil bhaiya told me at the hospital. He wanted people to remember him by the good he did not by the death he had. During the cremation, it was drizzling. I waved the ashes at the beach. The road to the house was empty so I decided to walk. It was pouring now. When I saw the tail lights of the car disappear, I dropped to the floor and broke down emotionally. I faced the sky and screamed. I screamed and screamed. I let the rain beat in me more and more and it relived my pain, agony, depression, stress and suffering. I cried and cried until I laughed. I was full of mixed emotions,"God you're very funny you know? You bring my brother and then take him away? Quyn? Quyn?!" I bury my face in my hands. I felt someone hug me. I knew it was Sidharth. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. I became clam and my eye lids became heavy.

The morning I woke up I was in bed. I don't remember anything after my emotional breakdown in the rain. Sidharth probably carried me home and put me in bed. I got out of bed and stretched. I quietly creep down the stairs even though they're made of marble. I saw Sidharth sitting at the kitchen table feeding Arun and Varun was struggling to keep his eyes open. Varun dared me to give Sid a hug right in front of him. Varun saw me and stood up,"I'll be right back." Before I knew it Varun was pushing me into the kitchen behind Sid and was making signs and symbols for me to hug. I blush and shake my head. Sid notices me and turns,"Is there anything you need?" He also notices Varun making signs at me and raises his eyebrow,"Main confused ho." He stands up. As soon as he stands up, I give him a hug which caught him by surprise,"Thank you. For everything." Sidharth hugs me back sending chills down my back. Man did I feel a spark! I see that Varun is smiling and he puts a thumbs up. He quickly and quietly guides Arun out of the kitchen. Why? It's not like we were going to kiss. I pull away just leaving inches apart from us. I stare into his eyes. Uhh, why does he have to be so hot? Maybe God fell asleep and was suppose to make him look nerdy but he became this. He almost comes closer to kiss me but the doorbell rings and breaks the magical spell. I open the door and see Ashni and see has tears in her eyes,"Kya hoon ā? Is everything alright?" "No. Nothing is all right." She walks in the house and hugs me. She then breaks down and cries uncontrollably. "Kya hoon ā? Bol na." She looks stare at me and mouths,"Main ma hoon." My jaw drops,"For who?" She frowns,"Aur kya? Nikhil of course. That's why he came back. He wanted to get married to me and we did. That's why I lied and said I was going to Guyana." Then my eyes widen and I smile,"That's great at the same time not. Don't tell anyone about this. If anyone finds out we will be bombarded with questions." I then hear someone clear their throat,"Ehem." I turn around and see Varun,"Don't worry your secret is safe with me. As long as Sid doesn't find out." And he breaks into a run. "Wait no! Don't say anything!" I yell and run after him. By the time I catch up with him the news already reached Sid. He smiles,"That's great news. I don't see why we didn't have to know about it." "It's not that. Mom and dad don't know. We don't even plan on telling them."

Sidharth P.O.V.
When I heard that Gita didn't plan on telling about Ashni & Nikhil's marriage and how Ashni is pregnant was wrong. At the same time her parents wouldn't have accepted this. To make everyone's mind come off topic I asked,"Gita don't you guys have dance class today?" "Yea. I'm not going." Varun and Ashni left us alone. Why do they always think our conversation are private? "Why not? I'll stay and watch." "Because you know who is there and if you insist I will go."

At dance class, since Gita and Siddharth are lead dancers/singers, Siddharth made Gita trip a lot and mess up with her singing. She look so pissed when she got home. She didn't even talk the rest of the day. Dinner was quite awkward now that Ashni is staying here. Varun breaks the silence,"So?" Gita says before putting food in her mouth,"So?" "How was dance?" She puts her thumbs up and gives a fake smile then goes back to her serious face. "Don't bother her right now," Ashni says. "Didi, are you ok? Ever since bhaiya left for his very long term of work you've been so depressed." Gita stops her fork from going in her mouth,"Who told you that?" Arun points at Varun. "Varun, thats true but what made you think that you could tell him that?" Varun argues,"I didn't. I promise." I come in the conversation,"So you are calling Arun a lier?" "I'm not saying that he is lying I'm saying that I didn't do it." I raise my eyebrow,"Then if you didn't say anything then who did?" Arun says,"Well...um... The guy sort of looked like Varun bhaiya. Not close though." We all drop our forks and push our plates away,"Ew! Siddharth Dhawan?!" Arun laughs,"Oh yah!" We pushed our plates aside and left the table.

A few weeks later all of us were on our feet helping Ashni. She requested a lot of stuff. Not only that Varun had insisted that we go to the Holika festival in Delhi.

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