Chapter 3- Better Off Without Me

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After class ends, I see Denki leaning against the lockers like he's the hottest thing since Edward from twilight. He's such an idiot, but he's friend I guess. But to my dismay Akane was back and she was just as whoreish as ever, rubbing her hands all over electric boys-Denki his name is Denki- perfect sculpted chest, whispering something that's probably as whoreish as her basically a bra top and I felt angry as a flame that she was touch MY Denki like that Hold on, MY Denki? What the fuck Y/N? What are you thinking. You know that will never happen and even if it'd only end up hurting him. Bakugo said it himself, It's better if we aren't friends. I sigh, and head into my algebra class. Why is my life so horrible?

I avoid Kaminari for the rest of the day. He's better off without me.. I continued to avoid him for the rest of the month and I'm glad that I did because the rumors said that Denki and Akane started dating. I knew it. They're perfect together...even if im jealous, WHICH I'M NOT, for me and Kaminari to be together? Well...that would be really dangerous. All i know how to do is hurt would be better if I had died with my parents....I sit alone at my lunch table. But then again, I always sit alone because well, I'm just a freak and Bakugo and his goons make sure to remind me of it every day leaving me more bruised than before...everybody hates me I think, as I grow small black flowers from a crack in the pavement. "Woah how do you do that :0" I look up, surprised. Who'd want to sit Surprise, surprise it's the one and only Denki Kaminari...I don't know why but the sight of his blonde hair and golden brown eyes send a shiver down my spine, what the hell? Boys don't give me shivers?! There's just something about him that makes me want to I don't a girl. A real girl, a nice girl, a pretty girl. But I am none of those things, I think to myself, hiding behind my hair. "I'm um.. I'm not d-d-doing anything.. I-i-i I have to go, I'm s-s-s-sorry" I say, almost crying, as I quickly run away, my long black hair flowing in the wind, when I feel a large hand close around my small dainty wrist shooting sharp pains up my arms. "Hey!! Get off me!! You- you- YOU BAKA!!" Denki looks at me, his eyes are sad. Maybe I went to far. I stare at my shoes "I'm....sorry" "It's okay I just want to know...why have you been avoiding me? I thought..." he looks at the ground "I thought we were friends" I look away from him "Well, we're not" I tuck a lock of long black hair behind my ears. "It's too..its dangerous. I'm no good for you" I sigh. He just doesn't understand. "I don't care if it's dangerous, I'm here for the risk" He said, staring into my e/c orbs, and I realized we're nose to nose, practically breathing the same breaths, "but what about...what about Akane?" I whisper, saying anything louder would ruin the moment.."I broke up with her" He whispers, grabbing my slender waist. My breathing shudders, as I realize I might actually have a chance with him. And all of a sudden we're kissing. His lips are warm and slightly chapped and I could feel them charging my body with electricity as his mouth moved against mine. I wound my hands around his neck and over his muscular shoulder blades, gently playing with the golden hair at the nape of his neck, and that's when it hits first I never thought this was going to happen..especially not with HIM.  

"wait, Denki." I put one of my small doll-like hands on his muscular chest, and he stares at me with inquisitive golden orbs.

"What, what is it, is something wrong?"  he askes, he sounds so sad, maybe he really does care about me...

"n-n-no, the kiss was...well," I blush and look at my feet, tucking a long lock of hair behind  my ear "I just...why did you...why would you WANT to kiss me? I'm just a freak.." 

"Don't say that, Y/N!!! you are the most amazing girl I've ever met, and I lo-"

"you're just saying that...I saw the way you looked at me when Bakugo said..that i..." 

"hey...hey..none of that matters to me Y/N" He said rubbing my shoulders gently. 

"Just tell me.." I mutter, my e/c orbs filling with tears. "were you..were you dared to kiss me?" I stare up at him, and he turns his golden eyes to the ground...avoiding my gaze. 

"I knew it!" I sobbed. I knew nobody as perfect as him would ever want someone like me... "you thought it was funny, what did your friends get a laugh out of it? Am I some sick joke to you?" I sob

"Y/N it's not like that, I promise. I just..I don't know why I kissed you, and I feel bad that I didn't ask, I just..I'm drawn to you for some reason, it's like you're a magnet, I just really really didn't want to screw things up because you're so-" I cut him off by kissing him again, this time is slower, and softer. I pull back with a smile, "I like you too, denki." 

Here For The Risk D. KaminariWhere stories live. Discover now