The First Kiss In Days

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In Lima
At McKinley
In The Fake Elevator

When the two wake up that morning, there was a phone in front of them. "Are you going to take a look at it?" Kurt asks Jamey who was looking at the phone. Jamey opens the phone to see a note.

'Watch the video in the gallery from Sue to Jamey.'

"Sue, wants me to watch a video." Jamey said to Kurt who looks at him while Jamey open the gallery and he sees one video in the gallery. Jamey presses play on the video and he sees Rachel sitting in Sue's office.

"So, Rachel I am looking for pills so I can have long nights in bed." Sue said to her and Jamey can see Rachel smiling. "I have the perfect pills for you." Rachel said and she takes out a holder full of pills. "Do you use this on yourself?" Sue asks Rachel while she takes the pills to take a closer look. "No, but I know two people who did take it." Rachel said to her making Sue look at Rachel. "Do you know who?" Sue asks her. "Yes, Cooper and Kurt. They had sex one night and it was a long night." Rachel said to her with a smile.

Before the video ends, Jamey throws the phone into the wall mad. Kurt looks at Jamey who was rubbing his head. "So hot in here, I think I'm gonna be sick." Jamey said to himself feeling sick a little. "You okay, Jamey?" Kurt asks him before Jamey can answer him the little door opens again and JigSue wheels into the room making the two look at it. "Because you refuse to give back to the world the Jamert romance you're depriving it...A romance it so desperately needs...We're going to change the game a little." JigSue said to them and they hear something. "What is that?" Jamey asks the doll. "It's the drug Tadalifil in aerosol form. And it's filling this room right now. It promotes sexual stimulation by increased blood flow to the male genitalia." JigSue said to them and it laughs again while Jamey and Kurt look at each other. "Try to resist the love you have for one another, Jamert. Just know that if you choose to resist, you choose to die. The choice is yours." JigSue said to them. "I want to get out of here." Jamey said to Kurt who looks at him. "It's just so hot, and..." Jamey said to Kurt. "Yes." JigSue said very slowly. "Not sexually hot. It's just actually hot, and I want to go home, I want to get out of here." Jamey said to JigSue. "Yes. Listen to Jamey, Kurt." JigSue said to Kurt making him look at Jamey pondering whether they should kiss. "Why don't we just decide beforehand that this doesn't have to mean anything?" Jamey said to him even if Kurt wants to have Jamey again. "We make a promise right now that it means nothing." Kurt said to him. "Let's do what we have to do." Jamey said to him making Kurt think about it. 

The two moves were closer to each other. "So we're in agreement." Kurt said to Jamey as they kneel in front of each other. "Yeah. This...doesn't mean anything. The only reason that we're doing this is because it's the only way that Sue's gonna let us out. Because Sue is forcing us." Jamey said to Kurt with his heart beating very fast. "Forcing us." Kurt said to him. "On the count of three." Jamey said to him making Kurt nod. "One..." JigSue said making Kurt look at it. "Two..." JigSue said while Jamey and Kurt look at each other. "Three..." JigSue said to them. Jamey leans in and kisses Kurt for the first time in days. Jamey puts his arms around Kurt's lower back making Kurt put his arms around Jamey's neck missing the feeling of being in Jamey's arms. Sue's JigSue doll watches the two make out in front of it. "YEAH!" JigSue said while Kurt put his fingers into Jamey's hair playing with it as he can feel Jamey's hands holding onto his shirt. The two pull away from each other and they look into each other's eyes.

"Congratulations, Jamert." JigSue said to them as the elevator doors open while the two still were looking at each other. Jamey looks away from Kurt who realizes that Jamey still loves him. Kurt looks at the doors sees that the doors was open. Jamey and Kurt stand up and they run out of the room and the two run to the auditorium.

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