Chapter 3: Long Messages

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"Wake up, Charliebear." Louis mumbled.

"Leave me alone, I'm not a morning person." I groaned.

"I know that. But I'm leaving in 20 minutes." With that, I shot up. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, and threw on my Jack Wills purple hoodie.

"Wow, you going to miss me much?" He chuckled.

"You wish, Tomlinson!" I grinned. Then, he slowly pulled my waist closer to his. He led my mouth to his, and we closed the gap. Our lips moulded, and I was surprised how well they were together. I drew back. "Let's go say goodbye." I sighed. We walked downstairs, and said our goodbyes.

"Bye, Hazza!" I cried. "Face time or Skype or call me every damn day!"

"Bye Nialler! I love you, call and text me!" I kissed his cheek.

"By Liam. Keep the boys in line for me, will yah?" I giggled.

"Sure thing." Liam sighed. "Bye Charlotte, Love you."

"Bye Liam! I love you too! Call me!" I held up the fake finger phone to my ear.

"Bye Zaynie wanie! Do you want to take some of my hair gel?" I giggled.

"No! I got enough!" He blushed. "Bye Charles. Love you!"

"Love you too Zayn!" I called as the others and he walked out the door. The last boy to say goodbye to was Louis.

"Bye, Lou! I love you!" I sobbed into his arms. He caressed my hair, and kissed the top of my head.

" I will call you every day. I promise. I love you, Charlie. Forever and always." He whispered before taking his bags, giving me one last peck on the cheek, and heading out the door.


1 week later:


"Mum, have you talked to Louis lately?" I wondered.

"No, why?" She questioned.

"He hasn't called me back." I told her.

"Oh, he's probably got a lot going on." She answered. I pulled out my phone from Louis' old sweatshirt I stole from him because it was so comfortable.

To: Loubear<3

From: CharlieIsSexy<3

'Hey, Lou. I know ur busy, just wondering if I could uh, talk to you sometime. Love you, Charlie.'

I slumped down on the couch and just sat.


Week 2:


I pulled out my phone.

"Anything from Lou?" Mum asked behind her magazine and latte.

"Nope." I looked through my messages.

To: Loubear<3

From: CharlieIsSexy<3

'Hey, just wanted to know if you could call me back sometime. I know ur really busy, and I'm sorry. Id Just like to hear from my boobear... Love u, Charlie.'


'Hey, Louis. Wanted to see if u could talk. Havent talked to u in a while... Xxx, Charlie'


'Umm, Lou? Did you get a new phone or something? I know, u probably dont have time, just wanted to see if u could call sometime....Xxx Charliebear'

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