Part 13

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*later that day*

We were watching tv when Sebastians phone went off and he went into his room. I didn't think too much of it because I knew he'll talk to his mom once in a while. A few minutes later he came out and sat back down next to me on the couch. "Everything ok?" I asked. Noticing that his face expression looked as if he was struggling with something.
"Yea. Everything's fine." He said with a smile. Ben looked over with a disapproving look on his face. I discretely shook my head at Ben as if saying, 'let it go.'
I did let it go. Maybe I was overthinking and Sebastian was already on Ben's bad side so of course he's going to watch him closely.

*A couple of hours later*

"I'm heading to bed." Sebastian said getting up from the couch. He bent over and gave me a kiss. "Come with me?" He asked with a smile.
"Sure" I replied back. Giving back a smile. I looked over at Ben who rolled his eyes.
Me and Sebastian headed to his room.
"Are you sure everything is ok?" I asked getting into his bed. "I mean, this isn't the first time I've been in your room, but for you to just come out and ask me out there."
He hesitated to answer for a few seconds.
"Yea.... I just wanted you in my bed tonight." Sebastian replied. Crawling into bed behind me.
"Ok, well good night." I said to him as I gave him a kiss.
"Goodnight." He said. I rolled over onto my side and I felt him move closer to me and wrapped me close to him.
Sebastian was my safe space. I really felt at ease when I was with him.
The next morning, Sebastian woke up and walked into the kitchen. Ben was already sitting at the table. No words
were exchanged for a few minutes.
"I'm leaving." Sebastian finally spoke up. Not looking at Ben.
"What?" Ben asked surprised.
"I'm leaving. Going back home." Sebastian replied softly.
"When?" Ben asked.
"Tomorrow morning." Sebastian answered quietly.
Ben huffed. He didn't say anything. He actually didn't know what to say. There was an awkward silence.
"I know we haven't been on the best of terms since you finding out about me and Erin, but I was wandering if you could tell her... I can't." Sebastian said.
"Uh! No! You're the one that's leaving. This is your mess... not mine." Ben said shaking his head. And getting up from the table. Just then I walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning." I said happily.
But noticed tension in the room. "Everything ok in here?" I asked concerned. Ben looked at Sebastian in disgust. Sebastian looked away.
"Erin, we need to talk." Sebastian sighed. Ben left the kitchen.
"Sebastian, you're scaring me." I said facing him.
He hesitated getting the words out. His mouth was fumbling.
"Sebastian." I said really confused.
"I'm leaving." Sebastian belted out.
I let out a little laugh. Thinking it was some type of joke. But quickly noticed that he wasn't joking. By the look on his face.
"What? What do you mean you're leaving?" I asked holding back tears.
"I need to go back home." He replied softly.
I didn't know what to say so I just stormed out of the kitchen.
I ran out of the house and got into my truck.
Ben was sitting on the porch swing.
Sebastian came running out trying to stop me.
"Erin! Please!" Sebastian yelled.
I didn't stop. I started my truck up and peeled out of the driveway.
"Do you know where she's going? I still need to talk to her." Sebastian asked Ben.
"I have a pretty good idea.. but I'm not telling you." Ben replied.
"Ben, please. Im begging you." Sebastian pleaded.
"See, this is why I am the way that I am with my sister....You just broke her heart. And don't you dare follow her. You don't deserve to be around her right now." Ben said angrily and walked back into the house.
Sebastian ran his hands through his hair in frustration and walked into the house and went into his room.

I was driving fast down a dirt road. Dust flying out behind me. I felt my phone buzz.

~please come back~
Sebastian texted me. I didn't answer. I threw my phone across the seat. My vision was blurred by the tears streaming down my face.
I eventually turned down a little rocky side road. I drove about a mile down the road before coming to a stop by a huge willow tree with a little stream.
I walked up the tree and sat down.
"Hi mom...hi dad" I said as I got down on my knees. Still in tears.
This is where my parents are buried. This is where my dad took my mom for a picnic all the time. It was my moms favorite secret spot.
"I miss you guys so much." I said through sniffles. "You should see the farm. It's really come a long way. You'd be proud... I met a guys would have liked him... we hired him to help with the farm...But now he's leaving...I really don't understand why people keep leaving me...I lost you guys, a best friend and now a guy that i thought was someone I could be very happy with...I guess I'm not supposed to be happy." More tears streamed down my face as I looked down at my hands.
"I'm trying to be strong. I really am. I just don't know how much more heartbreak I can take."
I sat there in silence. Watching the stream flow. After about an hour I left. I drove home slowly. Replaying Sebastians voice in my head telling me that he's leaving.

When I got home, I walked slowly up to my room. When I reached my bed, there was a note and a black box sitting on my pillow. The note read:
" I hope you like what I got you. I've actually had it since that day you showed me around town not long after I came to the farm. I wanted the right time to give it to you. But i guess this isn't really a good time. But I really want you to have it.
P.s. I'm so sorry. I don't really want this to happen. I love you."
I opened the black box to see a white gold heart shaped necklace with diamonds running along the outside of the heart. I put the note and box on the nightstand, crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep.

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