Puppy love

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|| Chapter 1 ||
|| Puppy love||

A childs innocence gazed throughout dark towers. Not those of Yogurca but from a far land. A woman peaked inside a corridor,her purple skin was visible if you looked,her fingers tips press against the dark doors. She was an evil woman yet the child whom was dancing was the opposite of her. The child had dark purple hair while his mother was white.

There resemblances were few,not even a cold attire matched. The child danced with blades,before his mother decided to stop him. The child had just reached four years old while the woman was in her 50s,she called her child a miracle baby yet didn't love him enough. Well. He wouldn't care soon. "Lilac,my dear!" The woman voice called,her voice almost croakish. The child gave a turn and smiled "Hi,momma!" He wobbled a bit,the blades he had were dangerous yet the woman had checked over them and made sure there was no way her love could harm himself.

"Come here,my little lilac." She said in return to him and he had made his way to her. Not even the eye shape and colour matched the two,yet they found family together. The woman scooped the purple haired boy and kissed his forehead,a giggle from the child was let out and he squished his mothers cheeks and kissed her back on the nose. The woman slid out a smile before walking him down to a smaller corridor. Soon,they entered a blank room,the child tilted his head in confusion.

"My dear,my sweet lilac,were gonna learn things..many things in this room." The child nodded,he blanked out in his mothers affection as his view on his mother was that she was very busy,and such,she was. Teaching three others,Pomegranate,Licorice,and Choco was her miniature job yet she supposed she should teach her own offspring incase she met her time some day. She laid the toddler down,he was looking at her with a curious expression. She smiled to him,making him as a child,feel safe as he didn't know that same smile belonged to the perpetrator of a war who wiped out great men and woman.

She gently caressed the childs soft face,a grim smile on her face. She got up with a faint smile "My dear,do you know what puppy love is?" She said slowly,still rubbing his temple slowly,the child thought for a moment before responding "..When..you...you love a cake-hound?" He giddily responds,a sudden stab at his young age hit her yet she shook it off rabidly "No,my dear,puppy love is a horrendous thing that you should never be tampered with." She replies sulkily,remembering her own puppy love. She had been young. She had known the boy since school house days,and then when she saw a purple glow,something stifiled inside her. Perhaps thats why her son was so different,to remind her of what she was cursed with.

"Momma..momma once was in puppy love. I regret being so enamoured by that man and I just want to protect you. Puppy love makes you feel so gushy,and the puppy lover will take advantage of you." The child tilts his head,confused. "The only love that should matter is for yourself,your mother,your children,and your passions." She said bitterly. She loved the man she spoke bitterly about,yet her past self was gone. "Puppy love is bad." She sparkly added on,kissing his forehead. The child nodded "Okay,momma!" He giggly replied.

She knew she would have to remind him. He was young now but soon..he would know. Those thoughts frightened her,one day,he would fall victim to puppy love. She would make sure he will forget about it,keep him locked into his room,she thought but then a thought poked her head. A smile. A genuine evil smile now. One she showed to the children she taught of not love and relationship. Her dearest will never know puppy love. She would make sure.


He was twelve. He was twelve now. Lilac walked amomgst the room he called his. He had finished his dance session,mother had given him sharper blades to attack those with,he thought back to a boy he saw today,it made his dull heart almost light up. The boy was cute,brown eyes and fluffy green hair. He heard footsteps,familar ones. He knew that meant mothers work was done,he smiled excitedly,this boy wasn't puppy love,he felt like a passion. He immediately ran out his doors,a light clank excitedly as he tugged her mothers dark robes.

"Mother! Mother!" The child hummed,the woman ghostly turned around and plastered a smile "Yes,my little lilac?" She said solemnly,he jittered and twitched to tell her now "I met a boy-" "wh-" "He makes my heart fill up like an acid,mother! Like one of my dance choices,he comes so perfectly and my face lights u-" a harsh noise appeared througout the halls,a bright red mark resided on the child right cheeks,he blankly stared,the shock wavering throughout him before placing his fingers to his cheek. "Mot-" he gasped out,tears threatening to fall and wanting to pull back when forced into a hug.

"No,shush,you needed discipline for falling with puppy love." She snarkly replied,before she softened again,the child thought he was walking on the thinnest of tight ropes and the drop was certain death,yet he repressed those emotions as he nodded "I'm sorry,mother." He shakily replied and couldn't help wincing when a kiss was planted to his cheek and he was left with his own mind. He entered his own room,it felt so forgein,he didn't know exactly //why// but it did.

He realized now,salty stains running dowm his face,his first instinct was to desperately grab for something,choosing a blade for dance,and despite the attacks and sharp turns it made to his body,hugged it softly and brought it close. He stood,holding the sharp object close to his chest and was enamored by it.

Puppy love was horrible. He thought. He knew. He was angry at the boy,for ruining him,his mother had taught him how evil it was and now he fell into impurity by accident. For three days,he prayed to his mothers favourite statue for forgiveness and then,that momment he chose what he wanted his dance recitals to be for. To kill those desperate puppy loving sinners. That boy never lost his life though as no matter how hard he tried to push the feeling down,they never died. He began to practice fighting with his mother,to pray with her.


At sixteen,the boy was known as an excellent dancer around the city,he few friends called him blankless,never seeing him smile. The boy was a bit..cluseless...on provocative actions now,his mother in order to keep him in order had never taught his leud actions and didn't indulge with those who asked. He was soon used for dire missions now,using his dancing talent to kill others as he had trained with his mother,being told of how they were filthy people of sin,how the fell deep into love and know were being punished. He becane unphased by blood by the right price. He wore light clothing,lingerie of such clothes his friends woukd joke about and then ignore his serious questions on such  word or fabric.

The children mother taught were adults now,Lilac never met them,his mother never brought him up to protect his safety,in her words;

"What if they fell with puppy love,my Little Lilac?"

He was frightened by love. It was dangerous. Horrendous. And it was murderous and evil,he had said to a knight once,he danced flashily among the halls. Then,he heard his name called.

"Lilac! Oh,my Little Lilac!"

He had walked down to the hall and saw mother with a man with ten pockets of the glistering of gold,he tilted his head and then to him. He was about to speak dryly prior answer.

"My name is Plain Yogurt."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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