He had lived every day as the one before. One after the last the days blurred together. He wanted nothing more than to find something to live for. To have a suicidal mate was unbearable. Especially when she doesn't know she's your mate.
She'd been...
She pours some brown liquid into a cotton pad before pressing it to my cut. She already washed away all the blood. She explains what she's doing but, I don't listen. I watch as the needle pushes through my skin. I need four stitches in my left hand and one in my right. When she's done she bandages them with gauze.
"Ok so if you just go into the bathroom I'm going to need you to pee into this cup", says the doctor.
"Please, I'm being held against my will", I tell her, "let me leave". She presses her lips into a thin line.
"Has he told you what you guys are yet?", She asks.
"What are you talking about?", She sighs at my question.
"I don't know what's going on between you two but, Eros is a good guy and you should give it a chance", she says.
"Give what a chance?", I ask.
"Either way I am bound to follow his instructions as he is acting Alpha so, I'd appreciate it if you'd just pee in the cup so I don't have to cath you", she says. I sigh and take the cup from her hands and walk into the bathroom. I do as she says and returns with the sample.
"Thank you", she says, "now, I'll send this to the lab, while I'm gone please change out of your clothing and into the paper gown on the table". With that, she walks out the door.
I do as she says taking off my clothes and putting on the gown. It's not the most revealing thing I have ever worn by a long shot but, I can't remember the last time I felt this naked.
As I'm about to hop up onto the table I see something from the corner of my eye. She left a pair of scissors sitting on top of her drawers. I quickly grab them to hide them with my clothes. They're blunt at the end but, I'll take whatever I can get. I hop up on the table causing the parchment lining it to loudly crinkle.
When she returns I'm sitting right where she told me to. Most of the physical goes by quickly enough until she puts my legs up into the stir-up.
"I'm seeing a lot of tearing down here", she says, "is there anything you want to talk about?".
"No, nothing comes to mind", I say.
"If Eros do something to you I can get you help", she says.
"No, he didn't", I say.
"I promise I can get you some kind of help if he's hurting you", she says. My nails dig into my arms and I blink away tears.
"No, I'm not lying", I shout, "I wouldn't lie about this". Pain starts in my chest making it hard to breathe. I feel my legs drop down and she pulls me into her arms.
"It's okay, you're safe here", she whispers the words over and over in my ears.
I don't know how much time passes until I've calmed enough for her to let me go.
"Hey, I meant to ask at the start of the exam but, how old are you?", Her voice is gentle.
"Twenty-two", I say. She gives me a look like she doesn't believe me and I look down to my lap.
"Seventeen", my voice comes out weakly. She nods at my answer.
"Do you feel okay to continue the exam?", she asks. I nod my head and allow her to put my legs back into the stir-ups.
"Are you sure there's nothing you need to tell me?", She asks.
I sigh, "I'm a whore". If she's shocked by this her face doesn't show it.
"How long have you been a sex worker?", she asks.
"Probably three or four years now", I say.
"Have you been using adequate protection?", she inserts some kind of metal tool into me.
"When I can", I feel the cold metal expand.
"Well you have a lot of scarring but, there are no visual indicators of STDs", she says, "we'll no more when your lab results come back. She withdraws the tool and takes my legs out of the stir-ups. I sit up on the side of the table.
"Now you are quite significantly underweight so I will be recommending some nutritional shakes to help with that", she says.
"I would also like you to start regular therapy", she says, "I'll have resources listed in your paperwork for you to take home".
"If you find anything in my test results will I be in trouble?", I ask.
"Is there something I should be looking for?", She asks. I say nothing in response.
She sighs, "you're not in trouble with me or the law but, I'm betting Eros will want to see your paperwork".
"Why does he get to?", I ask, "why won't you help me get out of here?".
"You'll know why soon enough", she offers me a hand to get off the table.
"I'll go get Eros while you put your clothes on, okay?", I nod and she offers me a comforting smile.
When she leaves the room I quickly put my clothes back on. I put the scissors against my left hip. They're held flush to my body by the waistband of the boxers and the drawstring of the shorts. The giant shirt he gave me conceals any outlines.
A knock comes at the door and in walk Eros and Dr. H. He wears a bandage over his jaw and I can't help feeling a bit guilty. I also notice how Dr. H's hand rests on his bicep. If it wasn't obvious to me before I can now clearly see they know each other pretty well.
"Everything seems to be in order", she says, "I gave Eros your paperwork so you guys can leave whenever you're ready".
Eros thanks her and comes to my side. I have no chance to protest before I'm back up in his arms and he's walking back towards the stairs we came from.
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