part four

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A/N: not set in any particular timeline although a bonten au is implied . title from moonlight on the river by mac demarco. writing purposefully disjointed at some parts. please note that the flashback in mikey's pov occur while he is dying- if suicide triggers you, do not continue reading.

The first time Takemichi saw Mikey again, it was a pure coincidence. He'd been looking for his estranged friend for a while now, but it was hard to find someone who determinedly didn't want to be found. All of Mikey's previous haunts had been traveled to, searched through for any signs of life.

None had been found.

It wasn't like he could ask Naoto for help either. Naoto wasn't connected with him in the past, and he was stuck attempting to search on his own. It was like trying to grasp smoke, essentially impossible.

Everywhere Takemichi went, he could see Mikey's ghost. The vague impression he left behind on all the places he used to go to. Mikey was just that kind of person- everything shifted around him. The universe itself rearranged itself to allow for the presence of Mikey. There was no one else like Mikey out there to be found.

Mikey was irreplaceable.

He could vividly remember what the weather was like when he first came across Mikey again. The skies outside were a dark gray, threatening to thunder and rain. The wind had been steadily picking up outside, causing the trees to bend and sway, letting go of the leaves on the branches. Perhaps the wind was whispering in a language that no one could understand, giving a warning, but neither of them would ever know.

Trash and leaves blew across the street- and really, it was the perfect day to spend your time cooped up in the little cafe. Protected from the howling winds, from the heaviness in the air.

When Takemichi saw Mikey again, it started to rain.

He'd frozen up at first, unable to take his eyes off the dark haired man. Mikey had grown his hair out, like he'd done in the Manila timeline. He could still remember the picture Naoto had shown him of the man, how his hair cascaded down his back in the very same way that it did now. Takemichi was only snapped out of his daze when he was nudged by someone behind him.

Takemichi had completely forgotten he was waiting in line to order, and he'd ended up holding up the line. He could vaguely remember the flush that warmed his cheeks as he stumbled forwards, apologizing to the barista before stuttering through his order.

He ended up ordering a hot chocolate.

When it came to paying for his drink, his hands shook so badly as he tried to count out his change that he just ended up dumping all of it onto the counter, telling her to keep the rest of it before he dashed away. It was so, so terribly impolite of Takemichi, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

Takemichi waited for his drink to be brought out, accepting the disposable cup from the barista with an empty smile. When he took a sip of it, he nearly scalded his tongue from how hot it was. He hardly cared though, his throat was so dry that he'd drink anything to make the feeling go away. All the while, he stole glances at Mikey, who was standing near one of the windows. Mikey looked so thin, his already pale skin looking paler, like he'd been drained of life and his will to live. Mikey always looked unhealthily thin in all the timelines Takemichi saw him in.

It appeared that the man was just staring outside, but it didn't look like he was taking in anything at all.

Takemichi approached him, almost feeling as if he could topple over from how light headed he felt. "Mikey-kun?" He practically croaked out, before swallowing hard and repeating himself. "Mikey-kun?" He repeated, practically freezing in place when his friend turned away from the window, turning his gaze onto him.

moonlight on the river - maitakeWhere stories live. Discover now