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For the next three nights Spike watched over the girls just as he was about to go back to his apartment he heard a loud crash from inside the manor followed by screaming. He wanted to help, but he couldn't get inside. He cursed to himself as he jumped off the roof, and knocked on the door. After about 10 minutes the door opened, and Spike saw Paige standing there with blood running down one side of her face, and side were bruised, and swollen. At one time Spike would have been tempted by blood, but since he regained his soul he was able to successfully fight those urges. Now the demon inside Spike wanted vengeance for hurting his girl. He calmly asked, " Sorry to bother ya pet, but may I come in?"

She looked worn, and tired as she said in a voice full of pain, " I'm afraid you've come at a very bad time."

Just as she was about to say something else 4 warlocks grabbed her, and slung her into a wall. Spike watched in horror as she crumpled to the ground, and lay unconscious by the still forms of her sisters. Spike vamped out as he growled, " The minute their souls leave there bodies your dead."

The warlocks just laughed, and said, "Looks like you weren't invited bloodsucker."

Just then Leo orbed in behind the warlocks, and stared at Spike. Spike snapped, "Quit bloody staring at me whitelighter, and invite me in already."

Leo just stared first in shock, then in outrage as yelled, "Spike you're a vampire, I should've known. What were you just trying to gain the girls trust so you could kill them?"

Spike changed back to his human face then he said, "I would never think of hurting the girls Leo you have to believe me, I have a soul now."

Leo hesitated, then he said, "Alright fine I invite you in, but if you attempt to hurt the girls I will stake you."

Spike just nodded as he said, "Fair enough mate."

As Spike leapt through the door he vamped out again, and flicked his wrists causing two very wicked looking daggers to slide into his hands. When he landed he stabbed a warlock that was about to throw a ball of lightning at the girls still forms. Causing it to explode in a ball of fire. He yelled over his shoulder, "Orb them the bloody hell outta here mate."

Leo wasted little time as he orbed the girls out of the manor. As soon as the girls were out of the manor Spike grinned as punched one warlock in the face, and stabbed another one in the stomach causing him to explode. Spike walked up to the one he punched, and in a low, deadly voice he growled, "You picked the wrong witches mate."

The warlock stammered in a terrified voice, "W-what…w-why..?"

Spike said as he stabbed the warlock in the throat, "Why, because I can."

The last warlock was about to blink when Spike used his vampiric speed, and pinned him to the wall as he growled, "Where ya going mate?"

The warlock looked terrified as he stammered,"P-please don't kill me I was just following orders."

Spike dug the point of one of his daggers into the warlock's throat as he snarled, "whose orders?"

The warlock winced as the dagger point dug deeper into his throat. Spike growled through gritted teeth, "Answer me mate."

The warlock whimpered, "If I tell you he'll kill me."

Spike's eyes glowed a bright feral yellow as he snarled, "If ya don't tell me I'll kill ya now talk."

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