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Two Days Later

Spike was down in the basement pounding on the punching bag that he put up, when He felt Paige come down the stairs. He hit the punching bag with a vicious combination of lefts, and rights as he asked in a cold voice, " What d'ya want Paige?"

Paige asked in a silky seductive voice, "What's the matter Spike? Don't ya like me anymore?"

Spike gazed at her sadly, as he said, " Luv it's not that I don't like you it's just that I failed to protect you."

She walked over, and forced him to look at her as she said, "It wasn't your fault Spike. Cole, and Drusilla are to blame."

Spike gazed into her eyes, then he sprang back as he exclaimed, "Bloody hell, you still have a soul. H-how is that possible?"

Paige was overjoyed, and terrified at the same time as she asked, "I don't know, is that good, or bad?"

Spike said as he led Paige upstairs, "It's a great thing pet but I'm not sure how you retained your soul."

When they reached the conservatory Spike yelled as he helped Paige into a chair, "Girls Whitelighter, get the bloody hell in here it's an emergency."

Piper, Phoebe, and Leo ran into the room, and Leo asked, "What is it Spike?"

Spike said in an exasperated voice, "Well take a bloody look at her ya wanker. She's got a bleedin soul."

They were all stunned, but after several minutes Piper asked, "How is that even possible?"

Leo said, "I have no bleedin idea. It could be possible that her being half Whitelighter allowed her to retain her soul."

Phoebe asked, "Why didn't it work last time."

Spike said, "I don't know luv, maybe it's because Dru is a master vampire."

Piper asked, "Wouldn't that mean that there would be a greater chance that she wouldn't have a soul."

Spike shrugged as he lit a cigarette and handed it to Paige. The others stared at her as she took a long drag, then handed it back to Spike as she said, "It's not like it could kill me. Look I don't care why I have a soul; all that matters is that I do and what's really cool on top of all my new vamp powers, I sill have my old ones. The power of three just got a whole lot stronger."

Leo said, "I'm going to check with the elders about this."

Spike said, "I'm taking Paige to someone that knows a whole lot about Vampires."

Phoebe asked "Where?"

Spike said, "I'm takin her to Sunnyhell."

He turned to Paige, and asked, "Can you orb us there?"

She nodded as she said, "Get ready."

He held onto her as they were surrounded by white lights, then they were in the place Spike thought he would never return to.


Spike took her immediately to Buffy's house. Before he knocked he looked at Paige and said this is Buffy Summers house she's a vampire slayer. So stick close to me yea."

Paige asked, "Isn't she the reason you left this place?"

Spike smirked as he drawled, "Yea, but we ain't here to see her, we're here to see her watcher, Giles."

He knocked on the door, and as soon as he had he regretted it. The door opened, and he was looking into stormy blue-green eyes of one Buffy Summers. She gasped, and went to hug him, but stopped when she saw Paige.

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