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The warlock was about to answer when he suddenly caught on fire and died. Spike was confused. Suddenly he heard, "Aw what's wrong Spike"

Spike looked around the room searching for the voice. He suddenly saw Cole standing in the corner. Spike growled as he jumped at Cole, "What're you tryin to hide mate"

Cole just waved his hand; sending Spike crashing into a wall as he said, "Mind your own damn business Spike. Go back to your precious Slayer."

Spike snarled as he jumped to his feet, "Leave 'er outta this Belthazor, or I swear I'll kill you."

Cole started laughing as he said; "I thought you would've learned in Sunndydale, I've got whole slew of new powers coursing through my veins now."

Spike smirked as he vamped out, and said, "Can ya pick out the one word you probably shouldn't have said?"

Cole was speechless as Spike moved with lightning speed, and bit his neck drinking his blood. After several minutes Cole was able to wrench Spike away from his neck, and throw him across the room. Then while pressing a hand to his already healing, and disappeared. Spike climbed to his feet as Leo orbed in with the girls. They stared at him in horror, then anger. Spike realized he was still in gameface, and what was worse he still had Cole's foul tasting blood around his mouth. He quickly reverted to his human face, and wiped the blood off his mouth; then he said in soothing voice as he walked over to Paige, "Sorry ya had to see me like that pet."

Paige was pale as she asked, "What the hell are you?"

Spike took her by the arm, and led her to a chair and had her sit down as he knelt down in front of her, and said, "It's a long story luv ya sure ya wanna hear it."

She nodded. He heaved a long unneeded sigh as he began to explain, "I was born in 1853 in London England. My name was William Rose. Drusilla sired me in 1880, and for 121 years I killed, tortured, and maimed people. But that changed 2 years ago. Ya see these Army types caught me, and put a bleedin chip in my head so whenever I tried to hurt a human I would get a bloody migraine. I moped around for about two months until one night while I was trying to protect the Slayer's little sister from vampires I staked one, and discovered I could hurt demons, and other creatures of the night. I fought alongside the Slayer, and her pathetic group of friends for two bloody years, and I eventually fell in love with the chit. But sadly she didn't love me in return, so I went out got me a soul, and left that godforsaken town, and came here. I heard about you three from a chaos demon. So I decided to come here, and help fight the good fight as my ponce of a grandsire would say."

Piper stormed over to Spike, and in an angry, and skeptical voice asked, "So you're here to help us huh?"

Spike looked her in the eye as he said, " Right pet."

Phoebe said, "I'm just gonna check the book to see if vampires can get souls."

Spike stopped her as he said, "No need pet only two vampires in history have souls, me, my grandsire."

Piper still looked uncertain as she said, "If your lying, I will personally plunge a stake into your heart."

Spike was about to say something when suddenly 3 Verbati Demons appeared. Spike said as he vamped out, "Oh good playtime"

Paige called to Spike, "Spike what are these things?"

Spike said as he broke one of the demons arms, "Verbati luv, just stab the in the heart with something sharp."

Spike watched in awe as Piper blew one of the demons up. He the saw Phoebe jab a letter opener into one's heart. He felt great as he released his daggers, and started to cut one of the demons. He glanced over at Paige, and saw one of the demons grab her by the throat, and growl as Piper blew up another one, "Surrender witches, or this one will die."

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