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chapter eleven.
↳ ੈ‧₊˚ ┊» acts of war.

The stench of death lingered in the air, having intensified since it had just rained.


Some think it's the Gods' tears, shed in grief for the loss of their children. Others claim that the sky is in mourning.

Few people consider the rain to be a divine gift, delivering abundant food and crops to feed mankind.

I don't know what I believe.

Through the nauseating stench, I can barely think of anything.

The men had begun moving the bodies and, once the piles had grown large enough, burning them.

The stench merely grew worse as a result, fueling it like wind fuels fire.

I had to climb over the bodies to get past them. They were all over the place.

I thought we'd be leaving by now?

I could sense Flaxen's presence as I reached Favora's front gate. He was stationed at the gate, keeping an eye on it.

When I approached him, he became aware of my presence as well. He nodded his head within the walls as I approached the gate, signalling me to enter, which I did.

I rapidly realised that Flaxen had pointed out her whereabouts, the Silver Queen.

Because of the platinum tint of her hair, she was titled the Silver Queen. Her hair was almost whiteish-blond, as if it could be mistaken for snow.

"...Your Grace, this was not agreed upon," A voice was heard faintly in the distance, coming from the Queens direction.

"Yes, I understand that. But I am your Queen, no?" She argued.

"Of course, you are the queen in the west-"

"That was not my question," She snapped.

"Your Grace, what we mean is this was not part of our agreement,"

"It is now," She grew annoyed at the Lords, who I had only noticed.

I unexpectedly arrived and took a position behind the Queen, eliciting gulps and stiff postures from both Lords.

The Queen didn't even have to turn around to realise it was me. My presence was distinct from that of others. Simply being around me could cause you to feel fear or even pain.

"Is there a problem?" I questioned the intentions of the three in conflict in a neutral tone that sounded intimidating.

Lord Schafer replied, "Only conversation."

"I was not speaking with you," I retorted angrily.

"...Your Grace," Lord Marter continued to argue despite my words, "I'm required to return to Hevos for important affairs. We did not agree to march with you around the world—"

"-I've heard enough!" The Queen was out of character, striking out and interrupting the others' speech.

Her knuckles grew white, and her blood was visibly boiling as she gripped her fists so tightly. The sound of her eyes rolling in the back of her head was picked up by me. She was clearly irritated.

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