-=Chapter VII 〰 Part III=-

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A battle-shriek rang through the air, and the small apartment was set on fire. Blaze screamed and Jack's face contorted into a look of horror. Blaze had a feeling this had something to do with the rebellion.
Jack and Blaze bloodied their hands up by trying to make a small window bigger, ripping out pieces of wood.
Blaze caught a glance of a Fire Fairy while smoke clouded her vision and filled her lungs. No, it can't be!
Jack tugged out one more piece of wood and grabbed for Blaze's hand. They hopped out and Blaze let out a small whine as they plummeted down about seven feet. Jack gripped her hand tighter.
"He's getting away!" A male Fire Fairy said, the voice familiar to Blaze. Pain shot through her skull, burning like she was being buried in a pit of flames. She screamed an ear-splitting cry and heard her "Minion's" footsteps come closer.
"Our Princess!" They cried, "we are so terribly sorry!"
"Just get us back to the damn palace, PLEEEEEEAASSE!!!" As a lightning bolt of pain rippled through her entire body.
"BLAZE!! STAY WITH US!!!" She heard Jack sob. She remembered their magical time before the Minions ruined it all and it settled her into a numbing drowsiness.
"Just make it stop," she said, her voice crumbling as tears streaked down her face.
The last thing Blaze remembered was a few words echoing into her conscience, "Long live the Queen."
Then she blacked out.


Wrote most of this on my way home, and by the time your reading it it'll probably be the usual time I update.

Hope you like it and donut forget to press YUR pinky finger on that leedle star at ze end


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