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12| roommates

12| roommates

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"Cho Hee!"

The two quickly turned at the mention of the young girls name

"Ah! Richard lovely to see you ." She forced a smile as she was to face with a face she wasn't sure she would ever see again.

The man just stared at her with a blank expression

"Wish I could say the same." He spat making her roll her eyes

Moon gang Tae didn't know what it was but he did not like this dude. And he most didn't like how he was looking at his girl

Wait what?

Focus he thought to himself

"Listen here , you litle brat ." He started as he went dangerously close to her

Suddenly Richard was pulled back rather aggressively making Cho Hee eyes widen slightly at the sudden attention .

"What the fuck man!" He said angrily but moon gang Tae keeped a straight face which honestly scared the girl a litle if were being honest.

"You're too close and I suggest you back up before it keeps ugly." Moong gang Tae said calmly but you could hear the seriousness in his voice .

Richard growled before looking a Cho Hee one last time

"You're body guard saved you this time but watch you're back." With that he walked off

Cho Hee let out a sigh she didn't even know she was holding . Of course she knew Richard long enough to know that he wasn't joking . And by the look at moon gang Tae face you could tell he knew it too.

"Soooo that was fun right ?" She broke the awkward silence to which he just stared at her with a blank stare .

"C'mon let's out of here ."


"Finally you're home ."

As walked in the mansion she was greeted with her sister cleaning the house like a maniac . Which really says something sin she honestly never even saw graben a broom before

"What's going on ?" Cho Hee asked as put down her purse .

"I have some news." Moon Young announced

"Okey ." She said unsurely

Moon young wasn't really one for surprises let alone news .Unlike Cho Hee , she was really go by the book kind of girl. While Cho Hee is more go with the flow. She feels like doing something,she does it.

"Moon sang Tae and his brother are living with us ."

"What !?"

Yo say that Cho Hee eyes were just about to fall off would be an understatement. She couldn't believe what her sister had told her .

Moon gang Tae was going to live here ?

With her?

"Moon sang Tae is been a fan of mine for years and he going to help me with my new book." She went on and explained as she keeped tiding up the place

"And moon Gang Tae is staying because?" Cho Hee questioned

"Well I'm going to need him full time with me so I just offered some roof under their heads."

The young girl just nodded not really knowing what else to say

"Plus though you might enjoy the company of the caretaker." Moon young said without even looking at her sister but the smile was plastered on her face.

To which Cho Hee blushed at her sister words

"W-What's that suppose to mean ?" She stuttered

"Oh please, i see the way you two look at each other. It's obvious something going on ."

"Alright Kwon Gi do, you're all set ." Cho Hee smiled at the pacient  As moon Gang Tae walked him in the truck .

"Thank you again ms.Cho Hee ." Kwon thanked as moon gang Tae closed the door before turning to her .

"Soo " he started as looked at his shoes


"I-I think it's really cool what you said back there ." He said

"Yeah well ," she blushed " I couldn't just stand by and do nothing ."

"I love that about you Cho Hee." He whispered

He then took a step closer and Cho Hee stared to feel nervous just how dangerously close he was getting

"Cho Hee ?"

"Yes?" She whispered

"Can I kiss you ?"

"We're just friends ."

Just as moon young was about to answer the door bell rang msking her smirk

"Oh look at that ! They're here. Would you get the door?"

Hey guys happy new year! I know this chapter is short but hope you guys like it. Sorry I didn't update sooner but school has been just crazy


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