pilot part 2 just the beginning

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Sam, Mercy, Dean and Dylan are headed down the stairs. Sam has just put on a hoodie and a pair of Jeans on.

Sam spoke "I mean come on. You can't just break in, the middle of the night and expect the three of us to hit the road with you," Sam angrily tells his older brother.

"You're not hearing me Sammy," Dean replied. "Dad's missing. I need you three to help me find him," the oldest Winchester fight back

"Do you remember the poltergeist in Amherst,
Mazy asked. "Or the Devil hates in Clifton Dylan questions." "He's was missing then, too. And he's always fine," Sam said adding onto what Dylan and Mazy were saying.

Dean stopped and turned. Sam, Mercy and Dylan stopped aswell. "Not for this long. Now are you three coming or not?" Dean asked

"I'm not," the youngest Winchester denies

"No thanks," Mazy and Dylan says.

"Come on. It wasn't that easy, but it wasn't that bad," Dean attempts to sway his siblings and Dylan. Dean stared down the stairs again.

Mazy, Dylan and Sam followed. Sam replied "yeah". "When Mazy and Dylan told dad that I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave them a .45 and told them to deal with it," Sam retorted.

Dean stopped at the door to the outside. "Well what was he supposed to do? The oldest Winchester inquired

"They were 11 and I was nine years old!" Sam shouted, before taking a deep breath and continuing "He was supposed to say, Don't be afraid of the dark," both Demigods answered for Sam.

"Dont be afraid of the dark? Are you three kidding me?" Dean scoffed. "Of course you should be afraid of the dark. You three know what out there." Dean scolded

"Yeah, we know, but the way we grow up after mom was killed. And dads obsession to find the thing that killed her. Dean glanced outside. But we still haven't found the damn thing." Sam defended himself and the two demigods.

As soon as Sam said damn there was lightning. It made Dylan jump in fright. Language Sam, Mercy said quietly.

"Right sorry," Sam apologized out loud.

Dean looked between the three with a confused expression on his face. But shook it off.

"So we kill every thing we do find," Sam contuined form were he left off. Before the lightning happened.

"We save a lot of people doing it, too," Dean says proudly.

There was a pause before Sam continued. "You think Mom would have wanted this for us?"Dean rolled his eyes and slammed the door open.

There was a short flight of stairs from the door to the parking lot. Dean, Mercy, Dylan and Sam climbed it. Sam continued. "The weapon training, and melting the silver into bullets? Man, Dean, the four of us were raised like warriors."They crossed the parking lot to the Impala.

"So what are you gonna do?" Dean asked. "You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?"

When Dean said that Mazy and Dylan looked upset and angry. Sam saw this and tried answering for the three of the.

"No. Not normal. Safe," Sam corrected Dean.

"And that's why you three ran away." He looked away. "I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing."

Mercy and Dylan spoke up, "You think that we have been leaving the perfect apple pie life?!?" "You think that the two of us had a choice about leaving." "Well guess what when your a Demi..."
There was lightning in the sky again.  Zeus warning to shut up and not tell him.

Sam looked at his sister and cousin. With a look on his face telling them to calm down. And to shit up before One of Mazy dads and Dylan uncle blows Dean up.

The lightning stops after Mercy mutter never mind.

Dean was little freaked out but he ignored it. And continued talking.

"Yeah, well, Dad's in real trouble right now. If he's not dead already. I can feel it." The two younger Winchester along with Dylan were silent. "I can't do this alone.""Yes you can."

Dean looked down. "Yeah, well, I don't want to." Sam sighed and looked down, thinking, then up at His sister and cousin. Mercy looks at Her older brother and asks "What was he hunting?"

Dean opened the trunk of the Impala, then the spare-tire compartment. It was an arsenal. He propped the compartment open with a shotgun and dug through the clutter. "All right, let's see, where the hell did I put that thing?" "So when Dad left, why didn't you go with him?" "I was working my own gig. This, uh, voodoo thing, down in New Orleans."

"Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?" 

Dylan looks and Sam with a looks that says really dude. Think about what Mercy and I had too do at the age of 12.

Sam looks away form his cousin.

Dean looked over at Sam. "I'm twenty-six, dude." He pulled some papers out of a folder. "All right, here we go. So Dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy."  Dean handed one of the papers to Sam, Mazy and Dylan. Mazy and Dylan tried as best a they could to read it, despite the letters jumbling together.

They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA," Dean informed.

The paper was a printout of an article from the Jericho Herald, headlined "Centennial Highway Disappearance" and dated Sept. 19th 2005; it has a man's picture, captioned "Andrew Carey MISSING".

Sam read it and glance up. "So maybe he was kidnapped."

Yeah. Well, here's another one in April." Dean tossed down another Jericho Herald article for each date he mentioned. "Another one in December 'oh-four, 'oh-three, 'ninety-eight, 'ninety-two, ten of them over the past twenty years."  Dean took the article back from Sam and picked up the rest of the stack, putting them back in the folder. "All men, all the same five-mile stretch of road." He pulled a bag out of another part of the arsenal. "It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough.

Dean grabbed a handheld tape recorder. "Then I get this voicemail yesterday." He pressed play. The recording was staticky and the signal was breaking up.

John spoke. "Dean... something big is starting to happen... I need to try and figure out what's going on. Find Mazy and Dylan . They... will be able ... to explain more...It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger."

Dean looks at his younger sister and cousin hopping they can explain. They both looked away from Dean.

Dean pressed stop. 

You know there's EVP on that?" Mercy told him.  "Not bad, Rosy. Kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?" Mercy shook her head. "All right. I slowed the message down, I ran it through a gold wave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got."

He pressed play again.  "I can never go home..." a woman said.  Dean pressed stop.


Mercy, Dylan and Sam stood there, taking a moment to process everything that they just heard.

Dean dropped the recorder, put down the shotgun, stood straight, and shut the trunk, then leaned on it. "You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing. Same thing with you two Dean says while looking at his sister and cousin. Except 4 year instead of 2.

Sam looked away and sighed, then looked back. "All right. I'll go. I'll help you find him. So will Dylan and I. Dean nodded. "But we have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here."Sam turned to go back to the apartment. He turned back when Dean spoke. "What's first thing Monday?""Mazy and I have this... We have an interview. Dylan has a test.""What, a job interview? Skip it. Skip the test.""It's a law school interview, and it's our whole future on a plate."Dylan frowned. "This test could make or break me."

"Law school?" Dean smirked."So we got a deal or not?"Dean said nothing as Sam walked away and turned to To his sister and cousin. Any idea what dad is talking about? Dylan and Mercy look at each other and have a silent conversation with there eyes. And just sake there heads at the oldest Winchester.

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