manip gif
step one. - open & click on new project
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. adjust the settings however you want, i've used the size 500 x 282 with a white background.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. click on create, and this is how your screen should look
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. step two. - click on file on the top left corner, click open and then open one of the gifs that you'll use.
click on layer, then duplicate into, and select New Project.psd
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

SUCKER PUNCH! graphic help
De TodoJust like strawberry cake, sweet but fake. GRAPHIC HELP / © 2023 𖤐 MURDERSZN