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- Those Little things - 

- Jessie's Pov -

It's been three month since we came here and the Kids love being with their father . Ryder is starting to warm up to Xavier which makes all of us happy . Xavier took the kids out for a Dada and his Monkey's time ( That's what Xavier call's them his Monkey's ) and i stayed in waiting for Bianca to come home and show me the ultrasound of their baby . They having a Boy and Mono can't wait to name him like he is going crazy with baby boy names that sound bad boyish like and i can't help but roll my eyes at his stupidness . I heard the main door opened and i instantly ran out towards Bianca and Mono . 

Jessie : I wanna see it.....i wanna see it....show me...show me 

I yelled while jumping up and down in happiness and Annie joined me .

Bianca : I will just let me sit down please 

She chuckled while walking towards the Living room and after she sat down Mono handed me and Annie the picture and we screamed in happiness .

Annie : His is so cute already 

Jessie : I can't wait to tell the others about this 

Bianca : Me neither i'm so excited for this baby already 

She clapped and we nodded .

Mono : You guys are more exhausting then Caleb 

Mono groaned while he threw himself on the couch next to his pregnant Girlfriend who wasn't moody like i was when i was pregnant at all she is really chill and doesn't complain about anything at all . 

Jessie : No we aren't and you shouldn't be the one talking 

Mono fake laughed before resting his hand against his eyes probably going back to sleep .

Annie : When is Xavier coming back with the kids ?

Jessie : I really don't know 

I sighed because i really miss my babies already and it didn't even been 4 hours .

Annie : Come on sweetie let's leave these kiddos alone and bake some 

I nodded and we walked in the kitchen and started to bake when the door opened and the Kids ran in screaming Mommy all over the house .

Riley : Mommy look what Dada got me 

River : We all got one 

I looked down at their shoe and it matched with Xavier's and Ryder just hugged my legs not really saying anything .

Jessie : I love it babies 

River : We love it too Mommy 

Then he ran over to Annie and showed her his shoes with Ryder and Riley behind him .

Jessie : Did they behave ? 

Xavier : Yes they did don't worry so much 

I threw him a glare and he spoke .

Xavier : Is that Mono who is sleeping on our couch ?

Jessie : Yes they just got back 

Xavier nodded and peeked over my shoulder's .

Xavier : What are you and Granny making ?

He asked leaning closer into my personal space .

Jessie : We trying some new things out before the Kids birthday 

Xavier : And why are you still in your pajamas ?

Jessie : Because i didn't felt like changing 

I said not looking down because then i would see his lower part leaned against my lower tummy he wasn't much taller then i was which was good because i was taller then any girl in my age would be 5'8 in this days girls are getting shorter and guys are getting taller for some reason like here is Xavier with his 6'2 tall ass . 

Xavier : You and your laziness 

He whispered Huskily in my left ear before pulling away and walked towards his office probably to work while the Kids ran away to play so me and Annie focused back on baking .

Annie : I really hope Ryder will find love easily because with that attitude only sluts are going to ran his way 

Jessie : Don't worry Riley and River will make sure that everything will go smoothly and if they don't then that's why we are here for 

Annie : Just wait until Riley finds somebody Xavier and the boys will go crazy 

We laughed and continued baking . After we put them in the oven i walked upstairs to change leaving Annie taking care of the cookies . 

Jessie's outfit 

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Jessie's outfit 

After i was done changing i was about to walk downstairs when i heard yelling coming from Xavier's office and then a boom and another boom so i ran in and saw Xavier about to throw his table to the side when i grabbed his hands and hugged him to myself . 

Jessie : What happened ?

I whispered in his ear and he sighed hugging me closer to himself .

Xavier : Your parents are nowhere to be found 

Jessie : It's okay they come along sometime they will trust me i know them too good 

Xavier : But i want them to pay for what they did in this second 

Jessie : They will but just not now okay be patient 

Xavier : You know that i hate waiting 

Jessie : They hiding right now but they can't hide forever 

Xavier : I love you baby 

He muttered then kissed the side of my head and i whispered .

Jessie : I know

After that we pulled away and i helped him clean up the mess before he wen't back to working while i walked back in the kitchen to Annie and we started to try ever cookie that we made before we decided to tell everybody else so while the Kids ate their cookies i brought Xavier some too and i just felt like old times where after i gave him cookies i would sit on his lap and massage his head so i did it but from behind this time so while he worked i massaged him then left after he had to take a zoom call so in that time it was already night so i made sure that the kids are sleeping then i took a shower and changed into a new pajama set before cuddling in the covers and blankets and turning on the TV .

Xavier : You still up ?

Jessie : Yeah are you coming to sleep ?

Xavier : Yep i just go and take a shower quickly 

I nodded and he left into the bathroom and came out after 5 minutes .

Xavier : Cuddles ?

Jessie : Cuddles 

I agreed and we snuggled up to each other and fell asleep .  

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