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- Happy Birthday Monkey's -

- Jessie's Pov - 

It's Finally Halloween which means it's my babies Birthday today at 10 p.m. and everybody is so excited . This week was something every day came with a surprise not only just for us because for Bianca as well she found out on Monday that she will be having twins instead of one child and i swear when i heard it i almost fainted . I was the first who found out so i had to keep it a secret for three days until Harry and Jane came home from a trip and dear god i was so excited to finally be able to talk about it . Today when i woke up i did my morning routine and ran downstairs to make my babies favorite pancakes for their breakfast while the chef of the house and his crew was on a break because we didn't need them today but we did need the maids because the kids are messy . 

Jane : Good Morning Riley 

I turned around and smiled at Jane .

Riley : Good Morning 

Annie : Today is the triplets birthday 

She yelled excitedly while clapping her hands . Annie always loved Halloween and the kids born at the same day made her love it more . 

Jane : Annie please calm down your a little loud 

Jane laughed while calming down a big smiling old lady who sat down on the chair and we began to talk while i made the Kids birthday breakfast .

Xavier : Good Morning everybody 

Alex : Good Morning 

The two Brothers greeted and sat down but Xavier walked behind me and hugged me before he did so .

Annie : Today is your Children's Birthday 

Xavier : I know Granny don't worry 

Xavier chuckled then turned to me .

Xavier : What are you making ?

Riley : Blueberry Pancakes your Children's second favorite pancakes 

Xavier : And what's their first ?

He asked and i laughed remembering their first favorite is also Xavier's favorite .

Riley : Chocolate chip but we didn't have that 

Xavier : Wait really ?

Alex : They really are yours Bro 

Xavier : Of course they as perfect looking as i am 

He said proudly and i chuckled then placed the last pancake on the plate then turned to him .

Riley : Let's go wake your perfect children up oh an do not touch the pancake before we get back understood Alex ?

Alex nodded while eyeing the pancake and Annie slapped him on his head before me and Xavier headed back upstairs .

Xavier : You really love your pajamas don't you ?

Riley : Leave me 

I muttered while he laughed and i opened the door to the boys room first because they always want to be the one waking Riley up . Xavier turned the lights on and i opened the curtains before i said .

Riley : Wake up babies i made your favorite pancakes 

And in that second the two boys where up and looking alerted .

River : Good Morning Mommy and Dad 

Ryder : Morning 

He muttered then got up and left to Riley's room and River quickly after him with us following them because they couldn't really open the door . As we entered Riley's room she was awake waiting for her brothers to get to her and when they did they hugged her good morning . 

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