When There Is Only Static Silence For You

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“Don’t worry about me.” I say, smiling a bit at the sandy haired boy.

“I still do. Though-though I know that you are more than capable in protection yourself, i still worry about you. I always do.”
My heart, my heart.

I step closer to him and tiptoe. My lips hover over his cheek.

Is it alright?

I press a soft kiss over the hollow of his cheek and step back, praying that I didn’t overstep my boundaries. I literally melt in relief once i see Newt's face go bright tomato red and his beautiful chocolate brown eyes wide in shock. He soon breaks into a toothy grin and I know that I am smiling like an idiot too.

In a fraction of second, Newt quickly steps forward and places a kiss on my cheek and moves back. My whole body tingles and butterflies erupts in my stomach.

What has this boy done to me?

I can only stare at his pretty chocolate brown eyes as they look down on mine and compose myself to not to melt in front of him, then and there.

Now that I see the boy, he has tears of defeat in his very much darkened and unfamiliar eyes. His lips are black from the liquid dribbling down his mouth. His sweaty skin is ghostly pale with prominent and bulging black and green veins crawling up his face.

I crawl towards the boy and hold his hands tightly, brushing my other hand on his feverish cheek, I urge him to keep looking at me, focusing at my voice, keep fighting the virus, just hang on a little longer.

“Newt,” I breath, feeling an enormous amount of panic bursting out of my body, seeing the unresponsive and dazed boy, “Newt, Newt, tell me what can I do. Tell me how can I help. Should I, should I talk more?”

“We’ve got to keep you moving, alright.” Thomas tries to pulls the boy up on his feet.

“No.” Newt shakes his head.

“Please, Newt, we’re almost there.” Thomas tries to reason with him.

Newt tears off the small pendant hanging around his neck and presses it to Thomas.

“No, Newt, this is not it. We are going to save -”

“Please....take it.”

“Don’t talk like that.” Thomas’ whiskey eyes begins  shedding tears.

Newt pushes his pendant into Thomas’ hand.
“Please Tommy, please."

Hesitatingly, he takes the pendant before shoving it in his pants pocket. “Okay, Adelaide, help him up.”

I put my arm under Newt’s and pull him up with all my might, Thomas doing the same.

“Babe, please, just a little further.” I grunt, pulling his body faster and further.

I am not letting him die.

We continue on fine for a few blocks. Sweat falls from my forehead, clinging on my eyebrows uncomfortably, but I don’t dare to stop.

Suddenly, Newt’s body gives up and tumbles over. I fall down, scraping my elbows and knees painfully.

I bite my lip so harshly, to drown my sobs, that it draws blood. I can taste the coppery liquid in my mouth, from biting on my tongue.

I can see Thomas get up again, not ready to give up.
“Adelaide, come on. Don’t give up.” He urges me. Seeing the boy so determined, I manage to summon some more courage.

Thomas,” Teresa’s voice rings out through the compound which is surprisingly quiet, “Thomas I need you to listen to me. Adelaide, you too. I know you have no reason to trust me but you have to. You have to come back, both of you.

“Adelaide, you can save Newt. There’s still time for him.”

My breath hitches and my head starts to pound painfully.

There is a reason why Brenda isn’t sick anymore. Do you understand? It’s the blood of an Immune. It’s your blood, Thomas. You cured Brenda.

My knees feel wobbly as my eyes meet Thomas’. Sheer shock painted on his face, he looks as breathless as I am.

You have to come back to me, Thomas. Please come back and this will all be over. Newt will be cured, forever. Trust me guys, plea-”

Teresa’s emergency broadcast cut off abruptly and the lights in the plaza where we stand, briefly went out and then came back.

I know I should move. I should do something. Anything. Maybe I should trust Teresa and go to her; get the Cure, save Newt but I can’t move for my life.

So many thoughts are colliding with each other in my brain that I’m feeling dizzy and nauseous.

Thomas was the Cure all along.

“Adelaide...” Thomas calls out to me, the same bewilderment etched  in his face, “Even..even if we go to her, we can’t make it on time. The serum...the serum is the only way to save Newt.”

I whirl around for the sick boy, but stop abruptly.

The sandy blond boy, who was unable to even sit without a support, a little while ago, is now standing upright. His back facing us, he is surely breathing heavily, his body shaking with each breath he takes.

“Ne-Newt?” Thomas calls the boy with uncertainty.

Newt turns to face us with a blank expression.

My heart stops beating for a moment.

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