Katherine POV➰School

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First day back to school after my attack. The school had shut down for a bit due to fear of parents. I was actually kinda nervous. What would people think of me? The grey, a reckless killer. I was determined to find out who was controlling me. "Here's the milk (I don't remember anything about Katherine's family so...) sweetie." My mum Laurel said passing me a carton of milk for my cereal. All of a sudden my mind went blank and my eyes shut. "Come. Darling come. You don't have to worry about school or your friends. Come with me we can work together, all for one little pric-

"Katherine! Your bowl's overflowing!" My mum snapped back to the present before I flooded the house with milk. "First day jitters?"

"Not exactly." I replied. She gave me a weak smile.

"Look, I know it's gonna be hard but, you've still got your friends."

"Not all of them..." Katherine muttered under her breath.

I got on the school bus looking for the others. They were no where to be seen. I sat down next to a boy called Fred. "Stop. We don't need to die today, Grey." The girl next to him giggled and kicked me back. I felt my legs loose my weight as I fell back and someone caught me. I looked back to see Luke. "Oh thank goodness!" I cried.

"Aww now you both lost your true loves, you wanna hook up? I don't see an Olive or a Will anywhere?" The girl that kicked me said. "Oh right because Willy was killed by someone over there she pointed straight at me. And Olives not around to cover you in kisses because some LUKE guy accuses her for his friend - oh sorry I mean GIRLfriend - being a murderer."

I felt all my anger bubble and boil as I walked off. I felt someone grab my arm. A girl with short, black hair and way to much mascara for my liking stared into my soul. She had big lace up black boots and a leather jacket and was blowing bubble gum. "Your just gonna let her treat you like that?" I pulled my arm away and began to walk further to the back off the bus until I stopped. She was right. I couldn't just let her treat me like this. I stormed to her seat, shoved the guy off his seat and sat down. "Oh! I see what you mean! Your just jealous of how hot are dates where!" I smiled and punch her right in the face.

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