Lindsey POV➰Paparazzi

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I cannot remember any of the characters surnames so this will by Lindsey and Luke's surname!

"Lindsey Dover! What was it like being attacked by your best friend?"

"How did you feel when Will Hanlon died?"

Lindsey stuck her fingers in her ears as the paparazzi questioned her about recent events. She and Luke were walking into school as a group of people attacked them with questions. A tall lady in a tight dress that gave the vibe 'I am a teacher. Do not mess with me,' stepped forth. The woman's name was Mrs.Callum. "Out! Out! This is no place for cameras-

Mrs. Callum soon stopped when she noticed people taking photos of her. She started posing for the camera instead of doing her job. Lindsey and Luke took this as a chance to slip away. As they entered the building they heard the faint voice of Mrs.Callum saying "I feel young again!"

Lindsey and Luke burst out laughing. "Remind me never to be a teacher! I don't want to be old like that!" Lindsey giggled.

"I heard that!" Mrs. Callum screamed from the gates. Which just made the siblings laugh even more. Lindsey and Luke took there separate ways. Lindsey put in her locker combination and open it. There was picture of her and Travis at the pool from in the summer holidays. (They'd got a break from school because of all the drama last term) The picture had a pink heart around it as a border. She grabbed her history textbook and shut the locker. Leaning on the locker next to hers was Travis. He smirked, "Hey cupcake."

"What have you done now?" Lindsey smiled and kissed her mischievous boyfriend.

"Oh nothing-

(Travis's surname will be packwood.)

"PACKWOOD!!" Someone screamed. Travis suddenly sprinted leaving Lindsey to laugh at him. A boy with green goop in his hair stopped in front of Lindsey. Lindsey pointed in Travis's direction.

"Thanks." The boys smiled for a split second and charged after Travis. Lindsey left her locker and walked down to history class. She saw a empty seat at the back of the room and began to walk towards it when she was stopped by someone grabbing her arm. "Sit with me. Now." Rachel said with a look of despair.

"But Arthur's next to you!" Lindsey exclaimed.

"Not any more!" Rachel said and shoved Arthur off his chair.

"Come on! That's the ninth person this week!" Arthur said as he picked his glasses.

Lindsey giggled and sat down where Arthur had previously sat. She noticed Katherine walk in with a girl in all black. They sat down next to each other not looking away from each other they were having a deep conversation.

"Get read for the Anglo-Saxons!" Mrs.Clive said with enthusiasm. It didn't make it sound anymore exciting though. The whole class groaned and began writing the date.

Hope you liked this chapter 4 will be coming soon!!!

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