Rachel POV➰Gothic girls

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Rachel entered school the next day super tired she'd been up all night binge watching Stranger Things. She sat down in class next to Frank. "Hi..." She said in between yawns.

"Hi?" Frank pulled a concerned face. "We're you up all night? Again?"


"Let me guess... Stranger things? All night? Non stop?"

"Why do you get me every time?" Rachel complained.

"Because your obvious!" Frank exclaimed and face palmed. The doors to the class room burst open and two girls walked in. One ginger, one brunette. They both wore complete black. Tall, black boots were on there feet and short button up skirts. The ginger had a black (of course) turtle neck. The brunette wore a ripped, black, denim jacket. They had lots of makeup, like a lot. Black. Obviously. (Mascara, lipstick etc) Full on goth girls if you asked Rachel. Well the brunette was obviously that girl from her class, Ebony. She looked closer. "Katherine?"

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