Katherine ➰ New look

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"What are you wearing?!" Rachel looked me up and down after class. 

"I like it!" I shouted back.

"It's not like you though!" Lindsey agreed with Rachel. 

"Yeah well, tough." I snarled back and went to find Ebony. I walked down a big corridor, people looked at me differently, it wasn't like they were scared of me or like they wanted to make fun of me like before, they looked at me like an equal. I turned into a classroom and shrieked when I felt someone grab me and cover my mouth. I looked to my side to see Luke release me. 

"What the heck, Luke!" I said, why were all my friends being so annoying.

"Why are you dressed like this?" Luke asked, eyes full of concern. 

"Because I want to!" I answered back, annoyed.

"No, I can tell it's not that." He said grabbing my arm to stop me from walking away. I froze at the sudden touch. I felt weaker, no, I know I don't want to dress like this but I wanted people to think of me as something other than a murderer! And stop being so rude! I felt my eyes well up with tears. He couldn't see me like this, I walked over to the classrooms sink. I picked up a paper towel, wetted it and wiped of the black lipstick. I looked up to the mirror and saw my stained black face, the smears of black makeup and tears. I saw how much I'd changed in the last year. I was a happy person back then, now I was, I was. Well, I don't know anymore. I sobbed into the sink until warm arms came and pulled me away. He took the paper towel and wiped off the smeared makeup. "Look at me." He commanded. I slowly raised my head. He pulled my black beanie off, "This whole mascaraed is not working on me. Now, tell me what's wrong." I looked down again. He held my chin and raised my head sending tingles through my body. 

"Ever since..." I scanned my words carefully, "the Incident, everyone has been so hard on me and so rude. They call me a murderer, and I just wish, so bad that Will could still be with us." I felt a tear fall again. I realised his warm hands had cupped my cheeks.  "So, I listened to Ebony and let myself break." 

"Well, you didn't need to, you have us. And you are anything but the things they've said about you." He slowly whispered. His eyes connected with mine. They darted down quickly and then back up. We both leaned in. But then the remaining thoughts of Will seeped into my mind. I pulled away before anything could happen. I removed his hands from me. 

"I'm sorry, I- I can't." I left the room feeling like such an idiot. I an down the halls trying to find Lindsey and Rachel. Whilst running I undid the plaits in my hair. I saw them by the lockers and wrapped them into an enormous hug. They looked stunned but I didn't care. Eventually, they hugged me back.

"Do you perhaps have a spare change of clothes?" I asked with a look of guilt.

Lindsey plopped a spare in my hands. 

"You are explaining later!" Rachel shouted as I ran off. Maybe not all of it. I entered the bathroom and stripped of the black clothing and remaining makeup.

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