Chapter Twelve

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Olivia's quince was today, and Isla had no motivation to get out of bed. The alarm rang for the third time, and she hit the 'off' button in frustration.

She moved her head to glance at the dress she going to wear. It was a short, purple dress with some diamonds at the top and strapless. Her mother had sent the dress over a few days ago.

Isla didn't really have a good reason to go to Olivia's quince, Jamal wasn't going so why would she?

After the fight last night, she knew her friends was still mad at each other, and she didn't know if Monse and Ruby wanted her there or not.

She grabbed her phone which was empty with no messages or calls. She clicked on Oscar's number, wondering if she should call and apologise, even if she didn't think it was her fault or that she had the right to be mad at him. But for some reason, she wanted to hear his voice again and ramble about her days to him.

She sided against it and turned the phone off, before climbing out of bed and made her way to the kitchen.

Grabbing a glass of water, she decided to not go to the church, but stop by Ruby's house later to congratulate Olivia.

She drank the water up, and sat the glass down when a knock was heard at the door. She frowned at the clock, seeing it was still early and slowly made her way to the front door.

She locked up the door, and raised her eyebrows after seeing Oscar standing there.

His eyes trailed over her body, noticing she was only wearing a pair of shorts, a hoodie and some fuzzy socks. His eyes meet hers again, and his heart beat fastened.

Isla cleared her throat. "What are you doing here?"

"I, uh..." Oscar trailed off, and she glanced at him confused. "I was in the neighbourhood and... wanted to check up on you"

"Well, I'm fine" Isla slowly nodded, before taking a deep breath. "Oscar, I just wanted to say that I'm-"

She was cut of by a pair of soft lips on hers, her back was pressed against a wall and his hands was down on her waist.

Isla was shocked, her mind was trying to process what was happening and when she finally got back to the reality, she kissed him back.

Her hands found their way to his face, holding him close to her. She pushed him away a little, trying to catch her breath after a minute.

"No" He whimpered, placing his lips back on hers.

"Oscar" She whispered into his lips and he stopped, pressing his forehead against hers. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for being mad at you for trying to keep me safe"

He chuckled, staring into her eyes as she looked back up at him. "I kind of already saw it coming. I know how much you hate it"

Isla smiled at him. "I only hate it because everyone thinks I'm not capable of taking care of myself... But I actually punched a guy in the face one time"

"He probably barley left with a bruise" Oscar taunted, smirking at her.

Isla gave him a fake glare, and pushed him a little away. "He got a black eye. So yes, he left with a bruise"

"I'm only messing with you, niñita. But I accept your apology" He spoke playfully, moving closer to her.

"You're breaking the law again" She spoke, gesturing to how close they stood.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't give a shit about the law?" He remarked, moving some of her hair from her face. "I claimed you, and I'm all yours as you're all mine"

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