Chapter Fifteen

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Isla was sound asleep in her bed when someone lightly kissed her forehead. She turned over, and snuggled more into her pillow. She felt soft lips on her cheek, then her lips. She moved onto her back, placing her hands on his cheeks and pulled him closer as she kissed him back.

"Princesa" Oscar whispered into her lips. "You have school in an hour"

"Crap, i forgot" Isla muttered, opening her eyes to look at him. "Sleeping sounds way better, though"

"I know" He spoke, placing his lips back on hers and moved to lay in between her legs. She leaned her head back as he started placing kisses down her jawline to her neck.

His soft lips against her neck made small giggles leave her mouth. He pressed his lips on hers one more time before glancing at her with a smile.

She smiled back at him with a frown. "What?"

"I love your laugh" He shrugged, placing his lips on her forehead and she closed her eyes in content. "Come on, I'll make breakfast for you"

She pouted as she watched him climb off the bed, and sat up before rubbing her eyes. She climbed out of bed, and searched for some new clothes as Oscar was in the kitchen.


Her eyes landed on the school as Oscar parked the car. She looked over at him to noticed he was already staring at her.

"What?" She frowned.

"Nothing, princesa" He smirked, and leaned in as he kissed her. She kissed him back for a few seconds, before pulling away. "I don't like your friend"

"Who?" Isla frowned, and he gestured to Jamal standing at the entrance staring at the car. "I should probably go"

She gave him another kiss, before climbing out of the car and walked over to Jamal, who were waiting for her with raised eyebrows. "Are you a couple now? 'Cause if you're dating, shouldn't you tell the others?Especially Cesar, since he's his brother?"

Isla shrugged. "I'm not his girlfriend, so there's nothing to talk about"

"Not his girlfriend?" Jamal repeated as they walked inside. "He's driving you to school. Keeping you safe. And you celebrated New Year's Eve with him"

Isla frowned, not knowing what to say so she kept quiet as they approached their friends.

"It's a new year" Jamal spoke up with a grin.

"And a new day" Monse added with her hand interlocked with Cesar's.

"Finally we can get back to normal" Ruby sighed.

The group took their time as they walked down the stairs, before Jamal whispered to Isla. "You need to tell them"


"Guys, I got eyes on me" Jamal stammered as the group walked over to a lunch table.

"Me too" Ruby spoke. "The post-shooting lookie-loos are out in full force. I don't know how much longer I can be Bullet Boy. I just wanna get back to normal"

"Normal?" Jasmine exclaimed form behind them, and Jamal jumped. "Baby, you ain't never been normal. You got that special sauce flowing through your veins. And probably all over that juicy nalga" She glanced over at his friends, who frowned at her. "Ruby said I could sit with y'all, so..."

They gave Ruby a look, and he spoke. "Shoot! I forgot dessert"

"Oh, you sit. I got you" Jasmine spoke. "Sugar-free sweets for my super-sweet treat, coming right up!"

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