Ch 6: Sick day?

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(Alex's P.O.V)

Y/n had been so upset when she left yesterday so I decided to drop by her house but her Dad said she was at Levi's, so I headed for his house. When I get there I knock on the door with no answer. Hmm that's weird Y/n never sleeps in! I tried the handle and it was unlocked??? Uh that's not good! Y/n has had a few sleepovers at my place and she can't sleep till she knows all the doors are locked. I open the door and walked through the house looking for them.

I got to Levi's bedroom door reluctant to open the door I pressed my ear against the door, when I heard nothing I opened the door. Y/n and Levi were cuddled on his bed fast asleep. Y/n was on the side furthest from me so I didn't really see her but I could see her arms wrapped around Levi, but from where I stood I could see LEVI WASN'T WEARING A SHIRT!!! My eyes widened did they??????? I cover my eyes with my hand.

"Y/n, Levi! Wake up and put your clothes on!!!!" I yelled out to them!

"I'm up!" Levi said yawning.

"Your so cute!!" Y/n said getting up.

I guess Y/n spotted me because she threw a pillow at me. I got the hint and shut the door and went to sit at the dinning room.

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I woke to the most amazing view ever. I was in laying the arms of my love!!

"Your so cute" I said giving him a peck on the lips.

I saw Alex standing at the door and grabbed my pillow throwing it at her. She left and I pushed Levi back on to the bed.

"I love you so much Levi!!!" I say kissing him, my hands roamed his bare chest.

"I love you my little Teddy Bear!" He replied which made me laugh.

Then it hit me TEDDY! I jumped up off Levi and ran out of the room frantic. (I'm fucked up okay! I have brain damage okay life sucks!) I guess Levi was either too worried about me or he just forgot Alex was here.
I ran to the lounge room and started throwing the pillows around trying to find Teddy.

"What's wrong Teddy Bear?" He asked.

"That's just it I can't find Teddy!!!!!!" I cried.

Alex walked in to see what was wrong but turned around and walked out when she saw Levi still didn't have a shirt on. Levi helped me look Teddy.

"Could she still be in the car?" Levi asked.

I ran out the door and Levi followed. He was still shirtless I would never get sick of this! I finally found Teddy on the chair in the front of the car. I grabbed onto her as Levi pulled me close to me holding me close. He rests his chin on my head!

"Let's head back inside! And you should put a shirt on!" I say looking up at me.

"What can't stand looking at my six pack?" He laughed.

"Oh I wish you didn't have to put a shirt on but your mine and I don't want Alex staring at your six pack!" I say before kissing him.

"Good call! We can go back to bed once she leaves!" We walked back inside and Levi went to put a shirt on and I sat with Alex.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I just wanted to come check on you. Levi told us what happened at school and about your fear. I'm sorry I didn't swap with you! I should have known you didn't want to play the game when you asked if you could trade places!" Alex apologised as Levi walked back in wrapping his arms around me.

"It's alright, I'm okay! You didn't know and that's okay and either way it's not your job to make sure I'm not doing stuff I don't won't to it's Levi's fault!" I say turn to look at him.

"Really! Oh yeah that reminds me you need to tell Y/BFF/n that I fixed you! She is still mad at me!" He said walking away.

"Oh yeah!" I frowned at the cold feeling that passed over my body.

"I'm going to head off!!" Alex said almost running out.

"Alone at last!" I said getting up.

"Who said I wanted to spend more time with you?" He hissed.

"Uh you?" I reply.

Levi walked over to me again and hugged me. He placed a kiss on my forehead and we returned to his room. He turned on the TV and took his shirt off again as he laid down on the bed to watch Hamilton. I lay with my head on Levi's chest. Levi played with my hair as I sung along to all the songs!!! Once we finished Hamilton I moved to bury my fave in his neck, he moved his hands to rest on my waist as cuddled.

"Teddy Bear?" Levi asked.

I hummed in reply as Levi lifts my chin so I face him.

"I've been meaning to ask... uh would you like to move in with me???" Omg YES!!!!

"I would love to!!" I smile trying to compose myself. "I'll be right back I need to call Dad to say I won't be home today!" I walk out of the bedroom.

Instead of calling Dad I called my bestie to fangirl with her. Once I was finished I re-entered the room.

"Mind if I have a shower I have school in an hour." I ask sitting on the bed next to him.

"Of course Teddy Bear! Mind if I join you?" He asked sitting up.

I give him a kiss and grab one of his shirts from the draw and head to the bathroom.

"I'm guessing that's a no then!" Levi pouted.

"Nope!" I replied laughing.

I took my shower and put Levi's shirt on instead of my school shirt. I rejoined Levi in the room. He was sitting on the bed still but had put his shirt back on.

"Aww meanie!" I sigh cuddling up on the furthest side of the bed from him.

"Really, your so childish!" He said rolling his eyes. "Get over here!"

"No!" I said turning away.

"Ya do realise you can't cuddle if your over there!" Omg LOGIC.

I scurried back over to him and cuddled into his side.

"You win this time!" I sigh kissing his cheek.

I got so comfy that I soon fell asleep which was a big mistake!!!! I had never missed a day of class without reason till today! I guess I'm having a sick day!

Levi(From Inquisitormaster)XReaderWhere stories live. Discover now