Ch 30: Our Big Adventure Part 1

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(Before I start this chapter is dedicated to my Best Friend in the entire world, I really wish we could actually do this!!)

(Y/n's P.O.V)

"How about a deal?" Levi asked yawning.

"Depends what is it?" I return also yawning.

"You take a nap, I'll wake you in an hour and then you can drive for an hour while I nap." I laugh.

"Oh yeah, I will drive to an unknown location without a license!" I huff.

"Whatever just take a nap, you don't want to be too tuckered out for the fun I have planned," Levi said resting his hand on my leg.

"Fine but if you feel yourself nodding off wake me and I'll stay awake with you!!" I say leaning into the back where Princess and Walter were sitting, I grabbed Teddy who was sitting between them in my handbag.

I also grabbed my pillow and curled up on the seat. About an hour passed before I finally managed to fall asleep, Levi still had his hand on my leg as I slept and he drove.

(Levi's P.O.V)

As Y/n slept I drove listening to music and occasionally pinching myself to stay awake. Our journey was a long one and would have been better on a plane but that would have given away the surprise that and when we get there we kind of need a car.

Hours later when lunchtime approached I slowed to a stop for a rest. We had packed snacks in Y/n's handbag so I reached back to pull it over. I lifted my hand of Y/n's leg for maybe a minute and she started to stir. By the time I sat back up her eyes were slowly opening.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" I say kissing her forehead.

"Morning!!" She yawned.

"Are you hungry? I was just stopping for lunch!" I told her as I pulled out some food for the dogs to snack on.

"I would love some food!" She said yawning again.

(I am really tired we stayed up late to watch a movie then well Babysitting takes a lot out of a person)

I pulled out some cabana, crackers and cheese. We just snacked on that talking for a little before we got on the road again. The dogs were asleep in the back and Y/n and I were just talking, we drove for another three hours before we finally reached our destination.

Y/n was confused when we drove into a driveway and I parked the car. I took the keys out of the ignition as she looked at me with an odd look.

"Where are we?" She asked in confusion.

"A friends place!" I said simply as I got out of the car and opened the door for the dogs.

Y/n got out of the car and followed me to the door. The dogs stood by our side no longer needing a lead. I knocked on the door and stepped back a little blocking Y/n's view of the inside of the house.

When the door opened it was the person we had come to see who opened it. I stepped aside to allow Y/n to see the person at the door who was just as surprised as Y/n.

"Y/BBF/n!!!" Y/n ran forward and wrapped her arms around her best friend.

"I've missed you so much!!" Y/BFF/n and Y/n both had the biggest smile ever.

"I've missed you too!! Levi, I love you so much, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Y/n squealed moving to wrap her arms around me instead.

"I knew how much you two missed each other and I've been a jerk so I wanted to make things better by bringing you here for a few days before we all go on a trip together!" I told them while Y/BFF/n lent down to pet the dogs.

"Y/n you have got yourself a keeper!!" Y/BFF/n laughed as she once again gave Y/n the biggest hug.

Y/BFf/n lead us in and her little brother ran to Y/n calling her his N/n! It was so cute.

"She is not your N/n, she is mine!" I told him as Y/n leant down to hug him.

"Now now Levi be nice I haven't seen them in ages he can be happy to see me!" Y/n said slapping my arm.

"You two are so cute! I had my doughts about the two of you but he isn't that bad!" Y/BFF/n laughed.

Y/n and Y/BFF/n soon ran off to Y/BFF/n while I went to grab our stuff from the car. Walter and Princess both followed me and I guess helped? bring stuff in, by that I mean they kept getting in the way.

As soon as I picked up Y/n's handbag with the treats in it and both sat down at my heels as I went back and forth between the spare room where Y/BFF/n's Mum had set us up to stay in for the next few days before the 5 of us packed up the car and head to our next stop.

Yeah, I'm already regretting this! Once the car was unpacked, and the dogs were with the girls in Y/BFF/n's room I collapsed onto the bed where Y/n and I would be staying for a quick nap before they undoubtedly end up coming in and jumping on me.Y/n and Y/BFF/n are the best of friends they are like sisters in fact we would be out doing really fun things while we celebrated their birthdays and Christmas. (I'm obsessed with Christmas so I'll probably end up posting my big Christmas chapter like a month before Christmas! I try to do a Christmas special in at least one of my books every year, I missed Valentine, and Easter this year I think? But I obviously did a Halloween one so yeah I always do a special chapter for special celebrations!)

Y/n and Y/BFF/n both don't know where we are going or that we were coming up here in the first place.

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I can't believe Levi brought us up here! I have been dying to see Y/BFF/n!! It was great being able to see each other again and watch movies and play games like we used to!. Levi had unpacked the car then disappeared so Y/BFF/n and I decided to prank him....

Levi(From Inquisitormaster)XReaderWhere stories live. Discover now