You're all I have

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Chapter 3

Ava was quiet the hair on her neck stood up and a chill chased down her spine. Ava! Are you still there? He lowered his voice to a whisper. I'm here.

Ava listen to me I need you to call the police I've been kidnapped. I...I don't know where I am. I don't know Ava please call the police please help me I'm begging you.

Why are you calling? Ava are you hearing me? I've been kidnapped, someone took me from my house and chained me in a sub basement I'm under the ground there is one tiny little window the size of a 45 lp that's it. Ava please.

Why are you calling? Ava, I Chaise was disoriented, dehydrated, beaten had a few cracked ribs, hungry, thirsty and his mind was fuzzy.

I..I have your numbers memorized I don't have a cell phone. Call your wife. I can't the line was dying again, I... I can't Ava call the police! Call the police.

The line died. Ava hung up the phone looked at her computer and kept working as if nothing happened.

She sent the paperwork over made sure her client received it and was happy the situation was solved. She would have to work day and night on her edits, she had to hire someone the book was seventy chapter's if they spilt the book in half proofed one another's work, ran it through the five grammar checkers she had proofed it again she could get it done. Barbara, she thought aloud. Barbara? What now? Edit. What kind of genre? Non of that hood shit when you correct those authors they get mad so I'm done with that. Now my big client Queen, you'll love her books. Its only 34 chapter's the book is 70 in total if you take half ill be good. Ill take the first half. That's fine I read it already. Is it fire? It's fire. Send it I'm home sick two weeks you got lucky. Sent, got it? Ahhh, yes.

Bee? What's up? Ava was quiet. What's wrong? Nothing... nothing over thinking as usual. We've got this we alway's do. Thanks sis.

Ava finished work early and headed to her hair appointment. She couldn't help but think what chaise said. Kidnapped? Who? Where? Even if she decided to help him where would she send the police? If he is missing he was no longer her responsibly why should she care.

Fredricio sweetheart, I have an emergency baby. Oh no. Here she paid him the $350 for her hair I know you count your coins just make my next appointment on a slow day and ill be here. Make sure before them roots show and that fine youngin see ya age chile.

Fredricio stop hehe. Ill text you some openings? Absolutely.

Ava went to Chaise's office downtown, she was part owner in the largest extermination business in the city. It was her that secured contracts fiteen years ago he was still eating off of which is why the judge granted her half the business in the divorce and left her as an equal partner. Of course he was angry but right was right, because of her retraining order she didn't have to go into the office the money was free every month.

Ava long time, she was surprised he'd kept the secretary she hired she was an older woman but worked for thier competitor for twenty year's. Bringing her over helped the young couple avoid dozens of expensive business mistakes. She stod giving Ava a heart warming hug follow me, she ushered her to her old office. Ava looked around nothing's been touched. No it's your office Chaise said leave it he didn't know if you'd need it again one day.

She looked around holding her purse close to her as if someone were going to snatch it. She saw the wedding photo of her and Chaise, she burned all the others on a drunken spree three year's after the divorce that to her knowledge was the last one. She even burned her mother's photos after she passed.

Rolling her eyes at the portrait umm have you seen Chaise Roxy? She closed the door looking around lowering her voice to a delicate whisper, no I was waiting to get home to call you. How long has he been out? Three weeks.

Three weeks? Chaise doesn't miss work. No he doesn't that's what is concerning me listen these contract extensions need a signature or we can loose thirty in the city housing buildings. Ava signed after looking over the contracts. Why is he still charging $6 per apartment it's been fifteen years? He is the cheapest in the city no one can beat him the city added twenty additional housing project's half the people don't let us in you know that basically it's free money. We report to the housing authority who denied access in case they complain of vermin. Did I tell you i secured the bed bug contracts?

Oh my God no! Yes ma'am after all these damn years? You go girl I'm so proud of you! How? Ear to the ground she mouthed payouts to get info. How much per apartment? You ready? Umm humm. Fifty. Dollar's! WOW! We were the cheapest. When do they begin? January. Three months not bad girl! She high fived her.

Also i didn't want to burden you do you think i can get a decent increase? Chaise hasn't--
Not since he married that puta, I'm sorry excuse my language. It's fine. Where are you? $80. That's were you were ten year's ago. How does $130 sound? Really? Yes starting January with those new contracts and ill toss in a $10k Christmas bonus? Thank you wait till I tell Jason he's gonna say mommy I told you I told you call Ms. Ava. You should of and I'm sorry for not checking on on you.

When I found out it was three years after the fact what he did i was this close to quitting but a woman my age in New York starting over? She shook her head. Don't explain we women of color have it the worse I totally understand and tell Jason he was right for me will you? Here is my card with my office number and address you need me im only eight blocks from here send a courier, im stepping in till her comes back but you're the office.manager and I'm giving you control in my absence just run the big stuff by me I trust you know what that is. Thank you.

Oh how are we on bed bug supplies? Nothing. Get some quotes now so we don't pay higher prices at the last minute check out of state suppliers first they are alway's cheaper. Yes ma'am. Roxi felt good Ava was back even if it was for a short time.

Her cell rang same time as yesterday hello! Ava, where are you?! I just left the offic3 and there were a shit load of contracts that were on deadline. Ava can you hear me? Barley she put her finger in her ear, ive been kidnapped it's not a game it's not a prank when have you known me to abandon work?

You won't abandon work but you'll abandon your wife of thirty years? Hello!

Ava please help me you're all I have.

I know....

Ava, hello Ava?

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