Entanglement Revealed

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Chapter 23

OH GOD BELLE! BELLE! Ava ran to Belle holding her in her arms helpless crying over her limp body. Oh no Belle Ava wiped flowing tears. 

I'm so sorry Ava
Chaise is going to jail. Ava? I'm begging you make sure he goes to jail please.

My mother didn't commit suicide Ava, Chaise murdered her..he..he hung my beautiful mother for loving him.

I saved you from the monster Ava, I did he didn't deserve you or my mother.

The only way to deal with a monster is to become one Belle exhaled dead in Ava's arm's.

Ava glared angry at Chaise he stared at her as the police officer unhooked his cuffs.

Place that man under arrest by the confession's of Daisy Deveraux you guy's know her as Belle and her grandfather Henry Deveraux she's stated Chaise murdered her mother.

Chaise Dawson killed Sasha Deveraux staging her death as suicide fifteen year's ago.
He confessed it to Mrs. Dawson and myself the detective alerted the arresting officer.

Is this true Mrs. Dawson? Ava stared in Chaise's eyes unwavering Yes it's true officer.

Chaise Dawson you're under arrest for the murder of Sasha Deveraux you have the right to remain silent.

Oh I almost forgot Ava your husband is waiting for you outside he has poision Ivy I wouldn't get close to him if I were you. Husband? Chaise asked shocked Ava you're married? Ava ignored him heading upstairs.

Ava ran outside wrapped in a NYPD wool blanket running to Adam. No baby  his face red and rashy his strong large arm's full of welts and hives.

How did you find me baby? Lojax I put it in your car week's ago I thought you were cheating on me baby I'm sorry.

Cheating! Hehe oh Adam no baby I love you. Does that mean you are going to say yes woman? The medics smiled.

Yes baby yes I'll marry you! The police and detective Mandell clapped for them. Adam?

Yeah baby?

How do you feel about a sixth child?

A baby! Did she say a baby man?! Yes sir she said a sixth baby to be exact.

Ava you just made me the happiest man alive don't get upset with me Ava. Why Adam?

I may not be home too much they said yes! We got the coffee contract! Oh Adam I'm so proud of you!

One year later...

I have it Adam you don't need to hover daddy.
Ava I've been through five babies. I know Adam but I can take care of him okay we've got this right I Xander?

Yes Ms. Ava! See our daughter can help me with her baby brother.

Xander held his arm's open to hold her baby brother come  Garvey I'm not the baby anymore you are kissing his hand.

See daddy I'm fine and I'm sitting like you said to.
Careful now hold his head Garvey you got it? Yes Ms. Ava I have him. Good, thank you for helping me.

Oh baby Ava? I forgot this came for you this morning. Thank you. Adam kissed Ava goodbye and the kid's call you at lunch wife? Yes husband. I like the sound of that woman.

Ava poured her morning coffee grabbed her reading glasses to see what came in the mail.

Dear Mrs.

As per the last will and testament of Belle Dawson also known as Daisy Deveraux she has left you her percent of the extermination business gifted to her from Mr. Dawson's share. You now have controlling intrest of the company owning seventy five percent. You also ingerited all bank account's and assets in her name.

Belle requested the money be divided evenly amongst the families of the people she killed on her destructive road for revenge.

Since your ex husband Chaise Dawson has been tried and found guilty by a jury of his peers, all part's of his business and assets revert to you as per the business agreement you signed 30 year's prior.

When his attorney's drew up your prenuptial agreement clearly his own interests were at heart, thinking you would be the one incarcerated when it happened to be him. 

You are the proud sole owner of Dawson extermination with an estimated value of $1.6 million dollars annually with  twenty inherited properties there with.

On a lighter note I am no longer in the detective agency business it's too dangerous for a man my age see my new profession below.

Congratulations Mrs. Adam Cartwright on your marriage and new child.

God Bless You
Scott Mandell
Attorney at Law

The End

If you haven't already feel free to check out these completed stories by Blk Qween.

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