What's in a name?

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Chapter 12

Adam went for his morning run, then in to his favorite local coffee shop for   coffee to go.

Since the City rezoned Brownsville calling it Ocean Hill and the house he grew up in was on the city line of the zoning, he inherited a new zip code and neighborhood name.

This raised the property values extensively through them gentrifying the area.

When caucasian people moved in saying the area was safe businesses opened and a shopping avenue that once had empty stores for block's flourished with boutiques, thrift shops, flower shops and gourmet bakeries.

Adam sweetened his coffee heading to the door when he bumped into a woman on her way in.

Oh no I'm so sorry Adam handing her napkins.

Let me buy you another cup sir please I insist. Thank you ma'am. True to her word she replaced the coffee.

Hey I'm new in the area do you know of a reliable contractor? I'm a bonded and licensed contractor what do you need done?

For starter's a kitchen. I can come take a look this weekend and give you an estimate of cost for labor and supplies if you'd like. Sure here is my number, she grabbed her phone putting it in, call when your ready---
Adam Loxe. Mr. Loxe, my name is Belle pleasure to meet you.

Ava went over the list of employees from the sewing machine company who lived in Queens or the border of long Island.

Look for black families, she thought speaking aloud. She could tell by the names who may have been black but that didn't help.

He clicked her pen open and shut one hundred times her mind whirling with every click.

She thought of something but needed Adam to call. Her impatience and anxiety wouldn't let her wait. She called the Detective on his missing person's case.

Good morning Detective this is Ava Dawson. Goodmorning Mrs. Dawson how can I help you? 

I was wondering if there was any news on Chaise's case? We're still working on it Mrs. Dawson may I ask a personal question? Sure. Why did you and Mr. Dawson break up? I know this is going to sound off but I have no idea detective, I was served a divorce request the day of our thirtieth anniversary.

Ouch. Yes ouch, no reason just gone next I hear he remarried. Have you ever met his wife?

Belle had to think there were cameara's at her job and he was probably already there speaking with security.

Oddly yes, she visited me late one night at the office the day I reported him missing.

What did she say? Nothing much just that she thinks he did the same to her that he'd done to me. Meaning? Up and abandoning the marriage like he did. She asked if we reconciled I said the same I told you I haven't seen him since the morning he walked out that door five years ago.

Thank you Mrs. Dawson. Detective? Yes ma'am. What is Belle's maiden name? Ahh hold on I have it here in my file...Deveraux why? I was thinking of hiring a private investigator to speed things along. That may help give him my number tell him if he comes up with something solid call. Sure thing, thank you Detective.

Well? She told the truth I told you the first wife is not in cahoots with the second one there is something wholesome about the first.

Did you say wholesome? Haha, yeah and? What is this 1950? Listen it's a gut feeling that woman is angry that he bounced after thirty year's of wedded bliss with no warning but--

That's my point she is a woman scorned that give's her motive.

Her alibi check's out for the day's he may have gone missing we have her schedule for two weeks before and two weeks after. We're you ever able to get in touch with the hair dresser? No, I'll try again.

What about you with wife number two? Any luck?
Now there is a slippery ass snake if I ever saw one. No alibi, no job, no friend's, or parent's. It's not a crime to be a loaner. No...it's not what did Dawson one want? Dawson two's maiden name. For? Private Detective. Ummm. Umm what? I never looked into her maiden name.

See? Dawson one is scooping you. Hahah eat ya lunch.

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