Missing Person

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Chapter 5

The weekend finished with no phone calls from Chaise, Ava thought good, mabey he's dead she sinersterly chuckled in her mind, eating her warm oatmeal sprinkled with extra raisins.

Adam left a gift for her on the breakfast table. He was good to her and alway's made sure she knew he loved her. She was waiting...waiting for him to leave to just walk out the door and never come back.

In her mind it was coming but knowing didn't prepare her mentally. He was young and probably wanted a younger woman but doesn't have the courage to say.

He wasn't a fortune hunter he lived in Brownsville which was the hood of Brooklyn, on her grandmother's old block.

She recalled the day she met him as she walked the steps of the old Nehemiah home, the first home owned in the family.

She was at her grandmother's repast, people came from all around came to pay respect as she was the neighborhood day care provider in the area over thirty year's. So many children she helped grow up and Adam was one of them.

Adam was the son her grandmother never had so to speak. His mother entertaining men instead of raising him gladly left the task to her grandmother.

Adam spent many night's in her house it got so bad he had his own room.

Ava wondered why his mother didn't make a tiff, until her house was busted as a trap house and she got a thirty year sentence for posession amongst other charges. 

He asked to speak with her privately they sat in her car in the driveway.

I'm not sure if you remember me hi I'm Adam. Adam? She smiled what happened? I grew up. I see she smiled elevator eying him. I lived here with grandma since I was a baby basically as you know---

Yes. Yes what? Yes you can stay in the house. How did you know I?--
My grandmother told me well asked me not to sell the place because of you.

All I ask is you repsect it like she's still here and keep the place up. The house is paid for and we'll split the taxes down the middle. Does that sound fair?

I can cover the taxes. I own the property I think it fair we split them agreed?  Smiling...agreed.

When he flashed those beautiful pearly whites Ava felt warm inside causing her to smile.

I have kid's but they live with their mother.  How many? Five. Two set of twins
and a single birth. Their mother and I broke up sometime ago I'm looking for someone more mature staring into her eyes.
Well we should get back inside.

The ring of her phone rudely interrupted her walk down memory lane. Fuck! It's only seven. This is Ava she said professionally.

There was laboured breathing she checked the called ID, damn she said aloud.

Ava did you go to the police? I was busy Chaise smacking her oatmeal...I was fucking this weekend.

They gave me water and milk I think it was poisoned. Ava dropped her spoon why? Throwing up, diarrhea and no bathroom. Ava you said Roxy had you sign contracts right? Yeah.

Roxy told you I was missing three long weeks what happens when the police find out I've been calling and you knew I was missing but never reported it?

You have the most to gain if I die the business reverts back to you Ava. The insurance? You Ava. No! I haven't seen you since the day you walked out that fucking door!

You see how angry you sound? What will the cops think?

Ava report me missing cover your ass. She hung up DAMN THIS NIGGA! DAMN DAMN!

Ava checked her watch, she had a client meeting at ten she would get to the office by 9:30 if she hurried.

Maria hi good morning I have a last minute stop to make can you get the refreshments? I printed the proposals last night and got them ready for the presentation so were all set there.

Sure Ava I have some fruit from home, oranges and a bag of bagels I'll add to the table.

Thank you I'll reimburse you see you soon? Yes ma'am. Ava looked to see what she could add to the table she took out a box of mixed tea from around the world and instant coffee pack's she  used when she had company.

There was dry creamer she dragged along from Russia. She went in her linen closet grabbing a round beautiful table cloth. She showered dressed grabbed her tote bag of goodies heading to her car.

Ava arrived at her local precinct at eight fifteen a.m.

Good morning I'd like to put in a missing person report. How long has the person been missing?

Our office manager said three week's this was Friday's when I learned of it.

Please come in my office Ava reported Chaise missing and who are you to the missing ma'am? His ex wife. Is he currently married? I don't know detective I haven't seen or spoken with him in over five year's.

The only reason I'm here is because our manager--

Roxi? Yes, that's correct told me what was happening.

Ok Mrs. Dawson I'll get in touch with her this afternoon. Ava gave her card if you need me I can be reached at these number's. Thank you ma'am.

Ava walked out with the detective's card handeling the case, if Chaise called she'd give him the name and that he'd been reported missing.

She didn't owe him anything, not after what he'd done.

Ava got to the office the meeting went well they were ghost writing a book for one of new York's most notorious crime lords, Diamond Dice out of Queens New York a legendary street boss she was so stoked.

What was better is that he never did one drop of time and was  fairly young and still alive. Of course the book would be released upon his death but Ava didn't care.

As soon as they left she and Maria screamed. Oh my God you're meeting Dice!

I didn't think of that when did they say? They didn't they said he'd call you. The duo popped a bottle of celebratory champaine kicking around the ball of idea's on the opening of the book.

Hello? Ava? this book is fantabulous! You like it? I don't fucking like it I adore the hell outta this book. What's it called?

Vampire uprising one, there are nine more book's in the series and trust me it gets better and better. Send me the other half sis. Ummm no, not Until I get my edits.

I'm home sick Ava I have three weeks off sick pay I'll get it done. Send it I can finish the book in two days and you know it.

One question Barbara. What? Are you team Niarchos or Clarence? I'm team Clarence babaaayy all the way that's my type of vampire! Haha, girl you're crazy, sent. Good I'll send the edits by Thursday night. Thank you Barbara call me later? Yes ma'am.

She loves the uprising? Sure does. The book is excellent. That it is the phone rang again, this is Ava.

Cupcake? Excuse me please Maria  Ava went in her office closing the door softly intentionally not showing her anger.

Don't ever call me that! Her whispers escaping   clinched angry teeth.

I reported you missing to the police they know, they're gonna talk to Roxie to get your wife's information.

Thank you. You want to thank me Chaise? Stop calling, I did my part I want you to leave me alone.

Ava? What?  I...I--

I think my wife is behind this.

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