CHAPTER SEVEN: to fuck or to not, but we don't know which one actually happened

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 in the morning, at least i assumed it was morning, i was in a bed that wasn't that of the hotel's. I panicked, my brain going so fast to figure out what happened that i couldn't think of one single scenario. I turned my head and next to me was james, his shirt off and only the sheet of the bed covering him, sleeping with such calmness. I prayed that the rest of him was clothed. Then i focused on myself. I wasn't wearing clothes either. Oh god. What happened? For the life of me i couldn't remember anything past the first few shots. I looked around the room, searching for my clothes. They were all the way across the room, and i knew i couldn't get up out without waking him up. So i did that first

"James" i hissed and smacked his arm, not knowing any other way to wake him. He groaned, keeping his eyes closed and rolled over

"Leave me alone" he mumbled "i'm tired" i huffed and grabbed my pillow, hitting him with it and his eyes snapped open "What the hell!" he snapped back, then realized. Realized that we were in an unfamiliar place. Instead of freaking out, he laughed. I grabbed a blanket and put it around me, and went to grab my clothes. They were- damp?

I frustratedly went to the bathroom and put them on. James shouted at me on the other side of the door "why are my clothes wet?" he asked. Like i knew? I threw open the door

"Did we have sex?" i asked. My head was throbbing. He shrugged

"I was hoping you remembered.. Maybe we fell in that river" he suggested and i raised an eyebrow, walking out of the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

"River?" i asked him and he nodded

"You don't remember that?" he asked and laughed a little. I shook my head profusely and he smiled "tell me everything you remember- don't leave anything out" i demanded, looking around the room for my purse that i assumed i'd brought with me or else we wouldn't have been able to pay for the room.

"Well, we-" he blushed "we kinda made out, then left and went to some river? At least i think we did, it's not coming back very fast" he laughed "but i have no clue how we got here" well, shit. We kissed? Shit. i hoped he was just remembering wrong.

"Oh, shit, what time is it?" i asked him, who looked at his watch and informed me that it was 11:00 am. Great, we still had time to navigate back to the hotel. I was starting to freak out, though. An american and norwegian who both didn't speak french probably wouldn't do well in finding their way through rouen.

"You okay?" he asked, putting his shirt on, and i found my purse. I shook my head and looked at him incredulously

"Why would i be okay?! We very likely had sex, we're stuck in some random hotel who knows where and i don't know how to get back!" i sort of snapped. He put his hands up defensively

"Okay, well let's start off by calming down. It's only 11:00, the show starts at 5:00, so we have plenty of time" he said assuring me. I nodded and tried to think of what to do. I wondered if the chances of someone knowing norwegian was higher than someone knowing english. I assumed english, although there were three european countries that could speak practically the same language.. All my thought were scattered and james grabbed my arm

"Look, let's just go down there and ask. I'm sure they'll understand. They probably deal with tourists all the time" i agreed and we left together. He was subtly trying to hold my hand as we walked down the hallway, and i moved it every time. What happened was a mistake.. Or at least that's what i was telling myself.

"Do you speak english?" james asked the woman at the front desk. She shook her head. James looked to me, unsure what to do.

"Norsk, svensk, eller dansk?" i asked next and she smiled

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