Chapter Twenty-Six: Strawberrys are better company than "Humans"

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Walking down the stairs I kept eye contact with Woods the whole way down surprisingly he didn't look away. It was as if he was daring me to look away me being the competitive person I was I didn't break it. The ballroom was beautiful with gold floors and beautiful chandlers. In the corner of the room, there was a table with all sorts of delicious-looking desserts and foods. I was defiantly going to pay that table a visit. People were chatting, dancing, and just enjoying themselves. 

Once we made it down the long staircase I pulled Athena along towards the table of treats that were calling my name not literally of course. Athena just laughed and followed along. Stopping at the table I looked around at what to choose first deciding on a chocolate-covered strawberry. Devouring it in seconds before looking up at woods' face which showed true amusement. I rolled my eye eating another one and another and another they were too good I was so distracted that I didn't even realize that Athena had left my side sitting with her father and brother. 

I was soon rudy interrupted by a someone clearing there through behind me making me slowly turn around. to see a girl who looked to be in her 20s she had bright red hair and light green eyes, freckles on her nose, and a scowl on her thin lips.

"Do you not know how to behave yourself at a royal ball! don't you know how rude it is to stand there and eat like a pig!" She exclaimed giving me a dirty look. I was about to send a remark her way but was cut off by a boy who was probably 19 he was a redhead he had electric blue eyes and a sharp nose with worry etched across his face. 

"I'm so sorry miss for whatever she said to you" He apologized. He seemed to have been chasing her due to his panting.

"I'm not sorry! Don't you know how rude it is!" She argued.

"It's okay. I'm sorry if I've come off as rude to you it's just well I've never had the luxury of having such good treats before I mean not everyone is rich" I explained venom tracing my voice towards the girl. 

"uh, how dare you! Hmm, what are you doing here anyway? Has the king let a peasant join the ball as charity how sweet" she laughed.

"And I see the king allows snobs in his ballroom lets see who's more of a charity case shall we," I remarked making her scoff.

"I'm far too brilliant to be a charity case although you dear is but why would the king let a peasant in here hmm Is it that you have a disorder? because quite frankly I don't think he'd let just any peasant be welcome to a ball" She mocked.

"Your correct I suffer from a disorder where I speak the truth and it makes people mad" I laughed. She just scoffed before turning to the boy next to her.

"Come on Henry I can't handle being in the presents of a low-life peasant" She scowled pulling the boy along with her who assumed was Henry. 

"Sorry miss for the incontinence" He apologized once again making her whack him in the head earning an oww! from Henry. Turning back to the food I continued to eat strawberry but not as fast before again rudely someone else interrupted me. I turned once again to see Woods he was eyeing the strawberry before looking at me once again.

"I've noticed that you've given that strawberry more attention than any other human which leads me to be concerned" He explained making me laugh.

"Well, they're definitely better company than any "human" here" I exclaimed emphasizing human.

"I suppose your right" He agrees looking around.

"Anyways would you like to dance?" He asked putting his hand out.

"What if I say no?" I asked.

"Well, then I'd feel humiliated and embarrassed since no girl has ever denied a dance from me" He smiles arrogantly making me roll my eyes.

"It's tempting but I'm not that cruel. Come on" I smiled pulling him to the middle of the dance floor. Standing in the middle of the ballroom I waited for him to make the first step considering that I don't know how to dance. Woods looking at me in confusion grabbed my waist with one hand and grabbed my right hand with his other before stopping noticing that I wasn't making any movement to do anything.

"Do you not know how to dance?" He asked. 

"Nope!" I smiled popping the p.

"Well, then why'd you agree?" He questioned eyeing me.

"Well, there's always a time to learn" I explained making him laugh.

"Wouldn't you feel embarrassed?"

"No I mean everyone has to learn at some point right? Why not in from of thousands of rich snobs. No offense" I smiled.

" None taken. They are rich snobs" He agreed putting my hand on his shoulder and, my other one in his.

"Just follow my lead alright?" He asked I nodded and followed along.


At the end of our dance, I smiled at him innocently making him roll his eyes.

"You know I didn't think you were that bad at dancing" He exclaimed touching his foot.

"I'm not!" I argued.

"Yes, you are! Almost the whole dance your feet were stepping on mine I'd be lucky to not be bruised" He laughed. 

"I suppose but whatever it sure was a good show for them" I smiled looking at the people who were eyeing me with distaste.

"I guess. Anyways did I tell you how beautiful you look?" He asked with a smirk. 

"No, but I'd have to agree with you" I joked making him chuckle.

"You look smashing as well" I commented.

"Smashing?" He questioned laughing.

"Yes, smashing you got a problem with it?" I asked daring him to say otherwise.

"Nope but i'd prefer to be called handsome and irresistible" He smiled confidently running his hand through his hair.

"Ehh I'd say your more Smashing and spunky" I teased eyeing him. 

"Oh gosh, I can't win with you can I?" 

"Nope" I smiled innocently.

"Dear brother father would like to see you" Athena's voice sang. Making Woods roll his eyes before turning to me again.

"Well, I'll see you later on alright?" He demanded.

"Alright bye," I waved as he walked away. 


It was 1:00 when everyone had left. The servants were cleaning the ballroom as I got changed into suitable nightwear. Pluto who was fast asleep on my bed slowly began to fall off making me run to catch her but I wasn't fast enough and she fell oops! 

"Omg are you okay I'm so sorry I didn't catch you" I cooed at the small creature at which was being cradled in my arms. 

"Come on Pluto let's head to bed alright?" I smiled getting into bed and pulling the soft covers over my body. That night I had slept with a smile on my face.


Hey, guys sorry for not posting in a while! I've been very distracted and busy oops!

Hope you have a good day!

Please don't forget to vote and comment as it motivates me to keep going.

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