Listent To Your Heart

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Y/n pov

It has been at least five months of living in my apartment. I got a job at a Café that's not far away from the apartment. I get paid a fair amount of money. The first payment I got, I bought my family gifts to say 'thank you' for having me.

I stare out the window, the lovely fresh afternoon breeze traveling up my nostrils. I look at the cars that pass and the people walking. I look up in the sky where the sun reveals itself.

I hear my phone ringing from a distance. I turn around and reaching my phone on my nightstand. It's an unknown number.



Y/n, it's Jennie.

Hey Jennie. Did eomma get you a new phone?

Yeah, it looks so cute and huge for my hands.

*chuckle* Cute. So why did you call?

I was wondering if I could have a sleepover for this weekend.

Did you talk to eomma and appa about it?


You sure?

Fine! I didn't, I just want to have some sister to sister time.

Okay. Where are you now?

I am walking to my locker. School has ended.

Okay, go home and pack your stuff. I will call eomma or appa and ask them. I will call you to tell you if it's a yes or a no. If it's a no don't whine about it, okay? There's always a next time.

Yeah. Bye.


I end the call before heading downstairs to watch some TV. My boss has given me Friday's and Saturday's off but Sunday until Thursday, I'm working. I make myself something to eat before flopping onto the couch and dialing the number to my mom's phone.



Eomma! Hi.

Hi, Y/n. Why are calling? Im at work.

This won't take long. I just need one answer a yes or a no.


Can Jennie come over for the weekend? I miss her so much.

That sounds like a great idea. She missed you too.

I'm sure she does. So is it a yes or a no?

Definitely a yes.

Thank you bye.


A smile creeps onto my face as I dial the number to my dad's phone. I hope he picks up.



Hey dad.

Hey sweety, I can't answer now since I'm a bit busy.

No, this won't take long. I just need a yes or a no, that's all.

Okay, shoot.

Can Jennie come over for the weekend? I miss being with her.

Yeah, she has been missing you. She spends time in your old room.

Aww. Thats cute.

So yeah. It's cool with me as long as you don't buy her a lot of sugar.

No I won't. Promise.


Instead of calling Jennie, I decide to text her. I grab my keys and slipping my Adidas slippers on before heading out to fetch my lovely Jennie.

Time pass

I get there, hearing someone sing from the rooms upstairs. It could be Jennie. I get up there and she's packing her clothes while playing some music. I knock softly for her to hear.

A shocked expression creeps onto her face as she gets up to hug me.

"Didn't you see my message?"

"No, I thought you were gonna call."

"Call? I called eomma and appa, that's a lot of airtime gone."

"I can't wait." She jumps up and down, clapping her hands joyfully.

"Come on, I don't think Starbucks can wait that long."

"We are going to Starbucks?!"

"Not if your ass is slow."

A few hours later

We come back home from Starbucks as I flop onto the couch and so does Jennie. I look over at her, caressing her chubby cheek and stroking her hair. I missed having her around and that she is finally here with me, I feel secure and have someone who understands me.

"You know, when you were a baby, the first word you say was Y/n (a/n: in baby language). It was funny and from then I knew we were going to be close."

*chuckle* "Really? I had no idea. I thought my first words were eomma and appa. What was your first word?"

"Kookie. I started calling him that growing up."


I pull her into a huge hug and kissing her forehead multiple of times. She pulls away with a smile on her face. She's so cute.

"Y/n, have you ever had a feeling where your stomach tickles in all the places?"

Wow, she likes someone.

"Yes, I have."

"Why do I get that tickle? Does it revolve around in the family?"

"No. It revolves around everyone who catches feelings for someone. It's called having butterflies. It's because you have caught feelings for someone and you can't stop thinking about them."



"It's just that, there's a boy in art class that I like and I want to approach him and tell him what I feel but at the same time I don't want to."

"Listen to your heart. It will tell you what it wants."

We stay in silence for while. I decide to switch the TV on and making something for both of us to eat.

Jennie, is just like me. When I was in high school, I remember a boy, I forgot his name. We used to sit together in every class, we used to talk together but we weren't friends, we were people who knew each other.

We sat on the rooftop every lunch and shared our secrets or just looked at the view of the school that was in front of us. In no longer than three months, I had caught feelings for him. It felt awkward sitting next to him in every class and trying to control myself.

I told Jungkook at the time and he said the same thing. "Listen to your heart. It will tell you what it wants."

I listened to it and the next day I approached him and confessed my feelings for him. I then told him that I wanted to stay as friends or people who knew each other after that. Later that week he never came to school again and we never met after that.

It seemed like he also felt the same way but couldn't tell me.


1055 words

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